"Kim Potential..." Part XL...

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Kim Potential...

Summary: A desperate Dr. Drakken has sensibly reviewed his Files of Past Plots to find the most effective weapon yet used on KP and improve it with unexpected results. Ron and company find they have a new partner.

Disclaimer: No infringement intended.

Part XL...

"A delightful strudel...Haven't had such since I was last in Germany..." Lindendon smiled... "And so nice to taste real coffee again, after years of tepid American brown water." He set cup down on table with surprising elegance for such a huge frame.

"So pleased you enjoyed it..." Bortel, beaming...

"And a magnificent view from here..." Lindendon, expansively...Waving arms to take in the said magnificent sunset view from the patio of the heliport lounge of Bortel Labs.

"Anything wrong, friend Avairius...?" he smiled at Avairius' perturbed expression...Avairius' cup and plate still untouched.

Avairius glancing at the torn remains of the two eagles he'd summoned...

There was no need for that...I thought he liked eagles...

"The animals put up a spirited battle, worthy of respect...But Nature, like lesser breeds, must bow to the Superior Man..." Lindendon, cool smile. "But, an impressive demonstration of your marvelous telepathic abilities..." he raised his cup.

Hmmn...I imagine he'd have little problem extracting my DNA from my corpse...Avairius reflected.

And should he choose to do much digging into my background...

Well, Bubbe Hannah would want me to live...And fulfill my destiny.

"Yes...Yes, so they did...Thanks." he winced again slightly at the sight.

Forgive me, my poor friends...

"Excuse, gentlemen..." Bortel, back to a normal business suit, cut in. Regarding a table-top, built-in computer screen blinking an alert... "As expected, the authorities are en route...Time to begin our little playlet, Alan, my boy. Colonel? If you would be so kind as to accompany my staff to the secure location we've set up?"

"Of course, professor...I trust I will be able to observe the comedy?" smile...

"Certainly..." Bortel, pressing a summons...

"Is the girl?...This, Miss Possible...?" slight sneer...

"Not as yet..." Bortel, checking screen... "But I am confident she will come as well...Possibly mit der hesitance, though, as Drakken would be foolish to waste his new weapon in such a way by encouraging her to engage us. But she would be expected to assist and he has a hubristic tendency to overreach in showing off his toys."

"I look forward to meeting her. And learning the secret of Drakken's control over her...By whatever means necessary..."

Avairius picturing Kim strapped to table, Lindendon with dissection tools...

Several staff approached... "Professor...?" Bortel nodding to them, turning back to the others...

"Shall ve, gentlemen?"

All rose...Lindendon politely following the two staff members escorting him to a high speed elevator...All three departing immediately on entry.

"Alan...I am sorry..." Bortel murmured to his stricken colleague. "But ve need him and as you see he can control himself in essential matters."

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