"Kim Potential..." Part VI...

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Kim Potential...

Summary: A desperate Dr. Drakken has sensibly reviewed his Files of Past Plots to find the most effective weapon yet used on KP and improve it with unexpected results. Ron and company find they have a new partner.

Disclaimer: No infringement intended.

Part VI...

The happy minions dispersed, energized as never before, the three...

Two...Shego insisted inwardly. He's just keeping the toy happy till we don't need her...Leaders consulted.

"Well, what did you ladies think of my plot?" Drakken, somewhat anxiously.

"Putting a lot in the two day old's hands aren't we?" Shego frowned.

'I'll leave specifics to Kimberly'...Since when has he ever let a minion...And a mere creation, no less... do the plotting?

"I thought it was terrific, babe..." Potential beamed coyly. "Just..." slight, winsome pause...

Oh, brother...Shego glared.

Though, I must admit...The kid is good.

"This 'lure her into a trap and take her captive' bit? Personally...I favor the quick method. Gun, maybe a laser to avoid a lot of splatter." Kim Potential, languidly.

"You mean as in kill her?" Drakken stared.

"Well, yeah, Drew. That has been your goal all these years, right?" she brushed back red hair, breathing on and briefly polishing nails of her right, then left hands against her chest. "Followed by world conquest, natch. With mucho bling for your Kimmy." warm smile...

"Uh...Yes...I suppose so..." Drakken nodded slowly...Shego rolling eyes. "But frankly I never really thought much about the killing part. I mean like that...I was always sort of hoping she'd just either get caught in an explosion of one of my lairs or maybe just get fed up and quit the business after I'd finally defeated her. I'm not really a fan of extreme violence."

"Yeah...Well, news for you, my blue sweetness. Ain't gonna happen, I can tell you from solid knowledge of the girl." tap of head on side. "So how's about I just settle the business once and for all."

"Just like that...Right between the eyes?" Shego eyed her.

"Pretty much, uh-huh. What's the matter, underling? Don't like to see a take-charge type settle the affair once and for all?"

"Yes, but Kimberly...Who would I gloat over?" Drakken shook his head. "I mean sure, there's the world's conquered populations but I mean I can do that any day. Besides I'm not sure of the consequences of killing her outright..."

"Consequences, smonsequences..." Kim Potential shrugged, giving Drakken a seductive smile at the end... "Now, come on Drewsie...You know you want her out and me in."

"...To you, I mean." Drakken finished.

"Say what?" Kim Potential stared. "Are you sayin'...I could get hurt if we kill her?"

"I've seen a lot of sci-fi movies where they killed the original and the clones croak...Immediately. But small price to pay for getting Kim Possible, I'd say." Shego grinned.

"Shego...Not helping here." Drakken frowned. "I'm just not sure...I've never worked with human clones before."

"Lets break cloney's arms and see if that makes the real Kim go 'Ow!'" Shego suggested.

"Again?...Do I have to talk to you about this, Shego?" Drakken glared.

"Ok, we don't kill her...Until we're sure it won't cost me a split end." Kim Potential, firmly. "I guess we'll just have to settle for capture for now."

"Ah, capture...What a neat concept. And how often have we employed it? And how many times succeeded? Is this the big win your little cloning project's going to bring us...Drewsie?" Shego sneered.

"You didn't have me before, bit player." Kim Potential sneered back. "But you make a point...We'll need to have a proper way to hold her. Drew, honey, you must have something...Neural paralyzer, freeze-dryer...Something that'll put her on ice without killing me?"

"Hey! Are you gonna keep letting her call you Drew, Drew?!" Shego raged.

"Full partners are on a first name basis, underling." Kim Potential, sarcastically.

"Ladies, please?! We stand on the brink of triumph...Could we try not to blow it by the clichéd fighting amongst ourselves?" Drakken sighed. "I'd really prefer not to return to prison after yet another humiliating defeat without some points to show for it. Kimberly, I think I have an idea...There is a liquid-freezing system that's been tested on mice for space flight purposes and for rescue work at the North and South Poles. It's supposed to preserve the organism perfectly. Hmmn...You know that might be the neatest thing of all...We could take over and every now and then thaw her out...Under competent and complete guard, of course...And gloat for an hour or two, say once every decade."

"You knew about something like this and didn't use it before?" Shego frowned.

"I didn't read about it until prison...You know it was not bad for my scientific knowledge to be forced to sit and actually read a few journals for a year. Anyway, we'll need a few things...Freezing tank, specially formulated bio-freezing solution, primary freezer unit..." he counted off on his fingers.

"Sounds wonderful, Drew. Until we see if we can kill her without the same to me." Kim Potential noted firmly. "'Cause I go with the permanent solution."

"Uh-huh. My, she is a bit vicious, isn't she?" Drakken hissed to Shego.

"Just be glad you instilled total devotion, sweetie-pie...Or you might be havin' lots bigger worries than original me." Kim Potential noted, grim stare....Followed by coy smile. "But I wuv you too much, my little Blewsie Drewsie to ever do that." smacking cheek kiss.

Drakken giving Shego embarrassed 'Whatcha gonna do?' look.

Though not you, honey...So watch your back...Grim, brief glance to Shego...Matched.

"All right then, I'll set up a test and we try it out. Now, Kimberly, are you sure you can come up with a plan that will lure original Kim into our icy clutches?"

"All ready got it set, Drewsie."she beamed. "You'll love it. Exploitation of memories and knowledge city...The little cheerleader won't know what slammed into her..."

Shego rolling eyes. Yeah, perfect clone...With all the typical villainess loser arrogance. We are so toast, I'd say.

But not before I get one Ms. Potential out of my hair and my 'Blewsie-Druwsie"'s existence.

"Hey, wait up!" she called, suddenly noticing Kim Potential had led Drakken off, chattering on about her scheme. Kim pausing, turning back...

"Drewsie? Gotta that list of freezing stuff? Take care of the pesky details, minion Shego, would you? There's a lamb...Come on, sweetie." She led Drakken off, Shego holding the list Kim had just thrust in her hands.

GRRRRRRGRRRRRRRRGRRRRRR.... "Walter!" she howled. Walter hurrying up to her, holding a celebratory tankard of ale.


"Deal with this, minion!" she thrust the list in his hand.

While I deal with that red-haired little...

Wait, did they just close the basement door? And leave me behind like some...?

"Anything else Ms. Shego?...Ms.?" henchthug Walter startled as a weeping Shego threw herself in his arms.

"Oh...Walter, what am I gonna do? I've lost him!" she sobbed.

Uh...There, there...He patted. "Gotta admit the doc really succeeded this time. That kid is pure Evil."

"Yeah, he really did, didn't he?" Shego, beaming through tears.

"Oh..." she moaned, resuming sobs...Pausing...

"It goes without saying I'll kill you viciously if word of this gets round the henchthugs?" she noted.

"Sure, ma'am...There, there..." he patted.

Kim PotentialDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora