"Kim Potential..." Part XCII...

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Kim Potential...

Summary: A desperate Dr. Drakken has sensibly reviewed his Files of Past Plots to find the most effective weapon yet used on KP and improve it with unexpected results. Ron and company find they have a new partner.

Disclaimer: No infringement intended.

Part XCII...

North Korea, secret landing strip near the Chinese border...

Where Shego found herself in perhaps the most bizarre situation of her many years experience, excepting of course, marriage and motherhood...The number two guest of honor in an old-fashioned ticker-tape parade.

Through the town square was unquestionably largely a set worthy of Hollywood...Facades of tall buildings hastily erected, sidewalks and side streets leading off to emptiness and dirt roads...Billboards sporting images of the happy children of the Great Leader, and said Leader benevolently beaming, covering in areas that were obviously empty fields...And as for the cheering crowds of desperately beaming, clearly starving, terrified faces...

Still, my would-be son-in-law seems to be having a whale of a time, she noted, eyeing Lindendon next to her in the open car, waving to the crowds...

What's that play?...In Shakespeare...Where the hero has switched sides and is being cheered by his old enemies just before they turn on him? Drew would know.

Oh, right...


You could almost feel sorry for the son-of-a-bitch if you didn't know he was quite serious about planning to kill most or all of these people as unworthy and useless to him...As well as everyone else...


"Have they reached the surface?" Drakken, anxiously watching the screen on which the craft the Kims had taken was being tracked via relay from several pursuing craft.

"Not yet but within ten minutes, Doctor..." the Dementor team commander noted.

" Can your people pursue them in the atmosphere?" Drakken turned to Dementor.

" Ja, but they will attract UN attention..."

"I don't care, we have to know..." impatiently...Pacing...

"Drew...We already know vere dey ist heading." Bortel sighed. "The question is, how do ve best help."

"Help? Cyrus, I want them brought down! In one piece, but..." Drakken, insistent.

"Kim and Kim Possible?" Bortel eyed him. "Drew, we both know der drill...We shoot their craft down, they fly off, mit der battle suits...We try to capture them, dey will kick our people's asses, droid or human. Plus, the UN will get involved and while they may elude them, we are too big and too many to. And then we lose any hope of helping them."

Drakken fuming...Then sigh... "Well, what den...Then...?!" anxious wave of hands.

"Let us keep our two best pilots in pursuit...In der shielded small vessels that will elude the UN. We will follow but underwater, hugging the sea floor while we try to learn what Lindendon plans to do via your link to Shego and see if we have anything to use against him, based on our mutual observation. Then und only den , ve move...No doubt bringing the UN along."

"If they engage Lindendon..."

"Your daughter ist not der self-sacrificing fool, Drew. She(s) vill be cautious. After all, the Colonel wants her for his new world...So long as she does not interfere with him or his plans, he won't harm her. Far more danger to them if ve come storming in with the UN in pursuit. Then will he take action...And revenge."

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