"Kim Potential..." Part VII...

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Kim Potential...

Summary: A desperate Dr. Drakken has sensibly reviewed his Files of Past Plots to find the most effective weapon yet used on KP and improve it with unexpected results. Ron and company find they have a new partner.

Disclaimer: No infringement intended.

Part VII...

Basement of Drakken bungalow lair...

"Well, lets see...Hmmn..." Drakken eyed the results of his series of tests of the new freezing system. Shego at his side taking notes, clipboard in hand. Glasses perched.

Hey...It's a way to stay in contact...Fortunately her Kimness being far too precious...Read "lazy"... to engage in actual grunge work.

"Frozen park squirrel...Stable..."

"Check..." Shego noted as they viewed a panicky-looking but utterly solid squirrel in freezing solution through the freezer chamber window.

"Frozen six year old boy with kite...Stable..."

"Check...You know we oughta get the kid home before his parents get back and call the cops."

"Fine...Put him on the list to test thaw."

"Frozen henchthugs...Barclay, Theodore, Sally...Stable. Lets keep them on ice another day and see how they do. But so far, so good."


"Bored, so bored..." Kim Potential sighed from her chair, watching...

"Hello. We need to know if this works, Kimmy." Shego glared. "Before we risk our lives on your lil' scheme."

"Yeah, yeah...Drewsie? When are we gonna kick the dust of this dump off my delicate hands and move to something a little more...Me...?" Potential urged. "This sort of place is what I...Well, dull twin...Grew up in. I'm talking nightmare of ennui."

"You have to admit her vocabulary isn't bad for an American teenager." Drakken noted to Shego.

"Grammar's awful." Shego frowned. "Hello, Kimmy...We just cleaned out our funds putting you together."

"So? Lets go knock over a few banks, heist a few Rembrandts..." Kim Potential shrugged. "What's the big?"

Hmmn...Drakken pondered. "We could use a little increase in the cash flow. The freezer components we stole but the reagents do have to be purchased steadily...And they are costing a bundle."

"Freezer components that I acquired..." Shego noted...Pushing glasses back, pen in clipboard.

"Yeah, whatever." Potential polished nails on chest, blowing...My, my cloned nails do glow so...

"Drewsie? We could take that big place on Mountain View Drive...Lots better setting for me and more room for your stuff and our underlings like Ms. Four-Eyes." she eyed Shego.

"Kimberly..." Drakken sighed. "I've asked you not to call Shego an underling...She's a very essential partner in our little family."

"Right. Partner." As in two...Shego did not add aloud. Her grim look at Potential however leaving words unnecessary.

Oh, Drew...She thought. Knew you'd stick up for me one day.

"Mountain View Drive...Oh, yes..." Drakken nodded. "I love that place...I'd been considering it for a lair in my more flush days but isn't it owned by some multimillionaire?"

"A pic of an innocent teen being led astray...I photoshopped it, here have a gander." Potential offered a photo print... "Mailed to him with threat to mail it to his wife...I think he'd sell at a very reasonable price."

Hmmn...This doesn't look photoshopped...Shego stared. And she was "out to stretch her new legs" the other night...

"Whoa. That's a bit risqué." Drakken stared. "Kimberly, you did just photoshop this?"

"Sweetie..." grin... "Ask me no questions...And I'll still lie through my pearly whites...Unless you really, really wanna know. Cause I do have to comply, I luvs you so much..." beam.

"Geesh. Well, all I can say is...If this creep did take a shot like that with you..." Drakken fumed. Shego staring...

"He deserves to lose his mansion...Absolutely, Drewsie." Archly coy pose.

"Kimberly...No more of this sort of thing." He frowned. "At least not unless I ask you to in order to blackmail some slimy official or steal something..."

"Yeah, yeah..."

"Kimberly..." stern look. "That is an order."

"Right...Ok..." she sighed, slight sulk. "Just doing my bit to get us the proper setting for a world conqueror, babe..." renewed coy look. "And it didn't go past that...I just screamed 'No, please!' so the servants would see us and he backed off."

"What a creep." Shego shook her head. "You're barely sixteen, in terms of your original."

"Well...I did say I was eighteen..." grin... "But the responsibility on him if I understand the law."

"Kimberly?!" Drakken glared.

"Hey, I got it...No more leading them on without my Drewsie's stamp..." she put up a hand.

"Now as to cash...I'm thinking we could knock over the banks and the art museum in the state capitol." Potential noted. "Just far enough away to slow the cops down tracing us...Yet no long, boring flight or drive somewhere."

"Well...I do think we should teach this fellow a lesson." Drakken noted. "And the henchthugs would appreciate a paycheck every now and then."

"And I am majorly short on bling..." Potential noted.

"Very well..."

"Of course...I shouldn't risk being seen. We don't want Kimmy Original to learn of your big surprise till the moment when I take her down." Potential urged. "I'll just give the orders and wait in the van, ok?...Shego, you wanna gather the other minions, honey? I'll be getting dressed to steal..." she sauntered off.

"Shego..." Drakken, gently. As Shego raised arms... "We need her."

"Not that badly..."

"Please...Just be a little patient with her. She has exceeded our expectations you know. I really think we have a chance at last."


"For me, please?"

Sigh...Retraction of plasma...

"Well...We wanted Evil...We got Evil." Shego noted.

"I am concerned about this behavior of hers..." Drakken, concerned look. "She may have avoided anything serious this time but I don't think she's old enough to fully realize the consequences. Shego, could you...Speak to her?"

"Me?" stare. "You want me to tell lil' Kimmy the facts of life?"

"I just don't know how to talk to a young woman about this sort of thing...And she could be hurt, Evil as she maybe be. There are some very nasty people out there, you know that. Please?"


Wait...She eyed Drakken in horror...Are you casting me as?...He nodding at her horrified stare.

"Shego, for her, given her change in attitude relative to original Kim, we are the true parental figures, even if she is a bit 'attached' to me for the moment."

"Yeah...And our lil Electra complex wants you for herself and Mommie dearest, me, dead."

"All the more reason to deal with the problem by establishing a bond before it compounds..." Drakken noted calmly, spreading hands.

Of course, if he does view us as the parents...She repressed a beam.

Yeah, Mrs. Lip...Insky rules! With an iron hand, regards darling daughter

Kim PotentialWhere stories live. Discover now