"Kim Potential..." Part XVI...

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Kim Potential...

Summary: A desperate Dr. Drakken has sensibly reviewed his Files of Past Plots to find the most effective weapon yet used on KP and improve it with unexpected results. Ron and company find they have a new partner.

Disclaimer: No infringement intended.

Part XVI...

Hmmn...Kim frowned at her jammed Kimmunicator as she stood by an unlocked side door at the warehouse. Either Drakken's blocking everything or he's found Wade's new frequency.

"Ron!...Hey, Ron?!" she called, looking up toward the front of the large building.

Hmmn...He must be on the other side...Or he's found his own way in.

Well, may as well...She opened the door, peering. Ah, light switch...Nah...She flicked back and forth...No go.

But at least no Shego either waiting in behind the door. She went in, cautiously.

"Hello?! Anyone here?! Sorry to come in like this, I don't mean to trepass."

Always a polite kid...Henchthug Barclay noted to himself in his hidden corner. And even if our Kimmy is pure Evil, she's acquired a bit of that.


Ok, no one here...Just a quick look see...She made her way in, entering the main warehouse. All dark.

Hmmn. Not that I'm afraid of the dark or anything...Just...


Ah...She caught sight of a light down by the far wall of the warehouse.

"Hey! Hello?! Ron?! Is that...?" she moved toward the light.

"Hey!" she cried as the office door behind her shut tight without any sign of manipulation.

Metal shutters slamming down over the already locked main door, the closed and shuttered few windows, and apparently several other possible escape routes.

"All right, Drakken!" she cried... "Come on out, I know you're in here!"

The light at the far end turned a bloody red. A tall, black shadow of a figure showed behind on the wall...

"Kim...Possible..." a deep voice... "At last you have come..."

"James Earl Jones?" she stared.

"No...But thank you. Kim...Possible. At last you meet your destiny."

"Drakken? Are you using a voice modifier?"

"No...But again, thank you for the complement. It is now time for you to face your final battle."

"Are you something Dr. Drakken just whipped up...?"

"Interesting, but no. Come forward and all will be revealed."

"I don't think so, Dr. D..." she shook head. "You know as well as I do how these things play out. Why don't you and Shego come out and maybe, if no monsters been released this time you might be able to return the stuff and get a reduced sentence."

"All will be revealed...All...Will...Be...Revealed..."

"Is that a tape recorder or DVD player?" she stepped cautiously forward, eyeing the huge shadow.


"You know I have to get back to class soon. Couldn't you do your usual thing and give me the plot in a quick rant?"

"All will be revealed. Come." The shadow raised a beckoning arm...

"Sorry if I'm spoiling a big buildup but I got get moving..." she charged suddenly for the figure.

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