"Kim Potential..." Part XXXI...

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Kim Potential...

Summary: A desperate Dr. Drakken has sensibly reviewed his Files of Past Plots to find the most effective weapon yet used on KP and improve it with unexpected results. Ron and company find they have a new partner.

Disclaimer: No infringement intended.

Part XXXI...

"So...Ms. Go?" Bortel smiled at Shego, now sitting in her chair blankly. "Drew Lipinsky aka 'Dr. Drakken' sent you here, eh? To get as dey say, der goodts on me?"

"Yes...Dr. Bortel."

"Walter?" Drakken, in lair, addressed Walter at the viewscreen... "Can you sweep a bit?  Lets see if he's got any support with him?"

The view of Bortel's reception room moved around a bit...No signs of support.

"Are you sure she's just playing along?" Sally, anxiously.

"The anti-compliance chip built into her necklace is functioning...I'd say yes." Drakken noted. "And very good acting. Though if I were Cyrus, I'd be careful not to push it too far, even if the chip were working..." grin.

"But we have the droids and the fellas in place to help her?" Sally insisted.

"Don't worry...If she calls for help they're now in position to reach her in a few minutes..." Drakken, reassuring.

Assuming they can get through Bortel's defenses...He thought nervously, concentrating on trying to hear the conversation going on in his headphones...

"Now...Ms. Go...What can you tell me about Dr. D's little Kim Possible manipulation?  He did reprogram her somehow, ja?" Bortel was asking.

"Ja...Dr. Bortel."


"I don't know...Dr. Bortel...He never told me the details." Frown. "He never does...I'm only a sidekick to him...Junior variety."

"Ach..." shake of head... "A clever young woman like you?  Dis ist so wrong. But surely you had some interest in the process?"

Right, work in the commercial for women's rights...And that's hardly fair, Shego... I've always made it clear I value your work highly.  And when did I ever not tell you the whole plan, at what you like to sneer as "boring" length...Drakken frowned.

You go, girl...Sally, repressing grin.

"I think he used the attitudinator on her, Dr. Bortel...She seems to like him very much now."

"No, not the attitudinator...At least, not in its original form.  Can you tell me anything else?" he turned as Avair entered, still in workaday clothes.

"She's responding ok?..." Avair eyed the blank-eyed Shego in chair...

My, she looks nice in professional clothes...And glasses rather suit her...

"No problems, my boy...Ms. Go?"

"He...Said...She will do anything he wishes now...And I think there was something about making her fond of him?" Shego, carefully.

"Good...But I only meant to introduce my...Partner...Dr. Avair?  Surely you recognize him, your ole foe, despite his lack of colorful plumage?"

"Yes...Dr. Bortel." Shego nodded. "We met again yesterday..."

How could I forget ole bird-brain?...She kept a blank expression.

"So she...Possible...Will do anything Drakken commands?" Avair, eagerly. "Anything?"

"Will she, dear girl?" Cyrus asked. "And does that include harming or betraying her friends, even family?

"Yes...Dr. Bortel. I think so."

"I see...Very interesting...And the process is still in place...The equipment, I mean? At his new laboratory?"

"Yes...Dr. Bortel."

"Excellent..." Avair, excited. "I can gather my friends and swoop down upon them...We'll have the technology in a trice!"

Well...I'll have the technology...And asap, Ms. Go...

After all...It's mating season...

"No svooping, my boy..." Bortel wagged a finger. "Drakken might prefer to destroy the technology rather than surrender it to us... No, we haft a better way, thanks to our dear Ms. Go, here. She can lead us right in. But first, we need to remove Drew's new weapon from the chess board..."

"Say what?" Shego, urgently... "Uh, Dr. Bortel..."

"Nothing yet, dear." Bortel put up a hand. "I'll let you know your orders presently."

Phew...Drakken sighed, listening...Giving hasty thumbs-up to the others, worriedly eyeing the view screen.

And kinda nice...Dementor plotting to steal from me for once...

Though... This "removal" thing?

"So? If we're to move on the girl?" Avair, urgent tone... "Are we going ahead with...?"

"Ja." Bortel nodded coolly.  "It ist time to forge our alliance...Mit...Der Throwback."

Hmmn...The nuclear option...I like it...Avair nodded.

The who?...Shego, maintaining blank stare.

"The...Throwback?!  It can't be..." Drakken gulped. Good grief...Cyrus? Have you truly gone mad?

"Who's this 'Throwback'?" Sally asked, eyeing the stricken faces of Walter and various henchthugs of long experience in the hench game...

Geesh...The Throwback?  Faces saying. 

I mean...There's evil and then there's EVIL...


"Oh, yeah! Oh, yeah!" Ron contentedly...Spinning Potential round...

Potential frowning...

Great...She eyed the elderly couples dancing round them at the Middleton Glenview Seniors' Ballroom .

We're the Fred and Ginger of the 90s set...The literal 90s...

Whoa, she gasped as Ron whirled her in time to the music..."In the Mood".  She quickly recovering to manage a spin, landing precisely to match his turn.

Applause from several encouraging couples watching as she caught a view of themselves in the vast room's long side mirror...

Aww...Damn...Actually, we are good...She beamed.

Hmmn...Slow one, eh?...She noted the change... "Begin the Beguine" in slow time now playing.

"Maybe we should sit this one...?" Ron began...As she pulled him close.

"Not a chance, Fred Astaire." She grinned, holding him.

"So...Not a bad one?" He smiled.

"Nope..." she shook her head. "And my idea about taking a 'date' day?"

"Pretty good, KP..." he nodded. Hmmn...Slight gasp as she kissed him, hard...And long.

To the amused chuckling of the couples dancing round them...


"The Throwback..." Drakken shook his head. "I can't believe even Dementor...Say?" he eyed the small corner screen of the full view screen on which Barclay was currently displayed video feed from drone 214, now in position over the Middleton Glenview Senior Center...

"What the hell is the buffoon doing with my daughter?!"

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