"Kim Potential..." Part XXIII...

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Kim Potential...

Summary: A desperate Dr. Drakken has sensibly reviewed his Files of Past Plots to find the most effective weapon yet used on KP and improve it with unexpected results. Ron and company find they have a new partner.

Disclaimer: No infringement intended.

Part XXIII...

"And your friend Wade was sure the modus operandi was that similar?" Drakken starred at Potential, now seated at table with himself and Shego in the mansion lair's great hall, happily wolfing down what she described as "real food at last".

Was a rather nice salmon and risotto...Drakken had noted. Just that right touch of...

"Yeah...That's what chubs the techie said..." Potential nodded. "So these jobs weren't us, Dad? EStepM, you sure you weren't pulling a few side robberies for the nest egg when Dad dumps you?"

"Kimberly..." Drakken frowned.

"Nah..." Shego smiled. "She's gotta point, Drew...It might have been possible, way back when...But no, Kimberly, it wasn't me and I don't think any of the fellas would have tried it or been capable, sadly." Glance round the table.

Sly smile to Drakken as Potential eyed their wedding portrait on the magnificent carved sideboard on which the dinner warming pans stood...Catching Potential's momentary smile.

She's glad to be part of a real family...Even if part of her is bitterly, murderously jealous...And we gotta a backdated, if perhaps illegit license to back that portrait up as of today...

A day I won't forget even if the ceremony lasted five minutes and was performed ala Darth Vader by Rev. Walt of the Internet Church of I Can't Believe I'm An Official Minister...Glance at Drakken nervously eyeing Potential as she continued her stare for a moment.

Yeah, it was for our Kim...But...I woulda done it just for you, Drew, she beamed.

"Walt could've...He'd be up to it. But he wouldn't go against Dad...or me, right Walt?" Potential fixed henchthug Walter with an innocent look that turned grim quickly...

"Uh...No, ma'am."

"See...It must have been someone copying your style, Pop." Potential turned to a pondering Drakken...


"Yes, Kimberly...I think you might be right. Someone followed the state capitol robberies and decided to take advantage of the situation and do a few on his or her own." He nodded. "While imitation may be the highest form of flattery, I must say it shows an appalling lack of breeding among my fellow criminals."

"Can't let that stand, Dad. Nobody copycats our family and adds a few potential years to your prison term." Potential, grimly. "Besides..." she noted. "It would be a good way for me to do a lil' 'goodie Kim bring this evildoer to justice' without risking you or the guys. Keep Wade and Ron convinced I must be the one and only..."

"Not bad, Kimberly...Ummm...Wait...You...?" Drakken blanched a little suddenly at Potential's beam...Thanks, Pop.

Nice going, idiot...Husband...Shego glared at the suddenly realizing Drakken...

My little Kimberly...Facing who knows what or who the evildoer as Kim Possible? He blinked.

You know, somehow I pictured this cloning plan as considerably less mentally and emotionally stressful...

"Ummn...Perhaps we should leave this one to the proper authorities, just this once..." he suggested, carefully. "I mean, probably just some petty burglar or something. Not worth your time, sweetheart." Casual wave.

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