(Killmare-Lemon) Forced

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"Yeah? Killer?"

"You had to make error scream in the shower?"

"Whoops... Forgot about that.... I was just helling him with the heat"

"It's fine... Nothing can do about it"

"Killer... Get off me"

"but you guys sounded like you where having fun~"

"Stop it killer"

"Come on... I haven't fucked error since that one time... Same with you"

"Killer... I will throw you"

"Boss... Please?" He went stripping "You made me so hot"


"Woah!" He chuckled being pinned "are you?"

"No and stop it"

Killer wrapped around his body pulling him down. He licked his teeth grinding up against him some. Nightmare growled as a warning to stop before he hits him... Didn't listen... Kills flipped him over chaining his hands... Night tried to break out but then realized.... It blocks....

"How you even get these types!?"

"Heh, so they work... Good... Something I stop from the stars household... I fucked your brother by the way"

"You damn!"

"Now now... I don't need to chain these legs too now?"


"Good nighty! More obedient you are, the more we can finish"

"Fuck you killer"

"Now, now boss... Don't need to be mad"

Killer stripped the boss leaving him boned... He then started doing his top half before messing with him. Nightmare gripped his hands annoyed looking away... He couldn't do anything.... He felt so useless again.... Just like when.... Flashbacks came back when he was in his au....

"Hmm~ so good... Hm? Boss? You okay?"


"Your not.... It's because of those scars below? Gives you memories of your rape I suppose?"

"I wasn't! Ugh"

"I see.... Don't worry nighty... It be different then that... It will be something you actually look forward to again"

"Like hemhm!"

They started making out with nightmare pulling in the chain... He had to admit... Killer being dominate was a turn on... Night groaned at the tongues playing closing his eye... Kills kissed him happily lustful seeing he's enjoying it....

"Mm, ah... You like that?"

"Shut up"

"Hehe, I'll go slow so you see I'm not forcing like them.... Mmm~"

'You chained me... This idiot...'


"Ah... St-stop it..."

"Hmm, ah... No can do..."

He trailed his hands on the body of the boss while marking his territory. Nightmare could only enjoy it tugging at the chains to be off. Killer trailed lower touching every part tenderly... Marking where he could without hesitation... The boss was shifting some trying not to show how much he liked it....

"K-killer... Stop it"

"You like boss... Why would I?"


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