(Shight/Insomnia- Fluff?) Swapped

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"Hmm... Five more minutes..."

"Dreaamm! You never oversleep! Come on! Wake up!"

"Ugh! What the fuck did I say...."
'Original swap?'

".... Iiiinnnnkkk! Dream cursed and is giving nightmares look again"

"Ge shouldn't" A pile ink came from the floor "he isn't pi... Never mind"

'Shit... OG will kill me...'
"Uh, s-sorry blue... Um... Didn't sleep much last night"

"Oh... That's explains... It's okay then! We get out for you to get dress! We have a lot to do today!"


He watched the two leave out before leaving the bed quickly to the mirror... He is... Dream groaned at his original body... Why this!? He then noticed a glow under his sleeve... He raised the long sleeve seeing blue strings...

"Errors? Wait... Don't tell me... Haha... Haha... Wait to nightmare find this out"

"You arent telling him"

"Huh?" He turned to the goopy him "Original..."

"Yup! Now go get dress while I talk"



"Stop smiling in my body like that!"

"Hahah! Can't help it! By the way... May I ask why u woke up next to my brother?"

'Deadly smile... Now I understand'
"Uh... I was over there and fell asleep..."

"Uh huh.... I don't believe that for a damn second"


"Staying quiet now!?"

"Look... Me an dyour brother get along okay? That's all... He was panicking so I helped him alright? I shouldn't even be telling you this since I promised him... Wait... You left him alone!? I promised him I wouldn't leave until he woke! Ugh! He's now gonna be passed and not talk to me! You go and explain now or I will tell about this"

"Oops... Uh... Fine! But we need of get this back okay?"

"I know... I'll go to your friends and tell"

"Great! Hopefully this is dealt with soon"


"You ruin shattered completely"

"No I didn't brother! He's me! But like you"

"Meaning better since we have similar thoughts"

"Of course..."

"Stop being down... You make me seem so feminine and soft"

"And your the opposite"

"Heh, he should be"

"I'm not that feminine! Or a child damn it!"

"You sure act like one unless angry"

"I hope you burn"

'That was a split imagine if shat right there'
'And that's how they are aus'

"I would too"


"Nothing.... Also, when your brother get a boyfriend?"


"Excuse me!?"

"Haha... You..."

"I didn't say who... I'm not keeping anything a secret... It doesn't benefit me anyways... I'm sure you understand that original"

"I swear! Ugh"

"So~ who's dying?"

"You aren't killing him! If you can date and I don't kill him! So if you do I can!"

"That's not how that works"

"How so killer? I mean, we are both brothers"

"Yes, yes... But it's who's bottom"

"Well I'm a switch so stop giving me those looks and nightmare is too"

"Why do I find that hard to believe?"
"I know right? Boss... Bottom?"

"Why you believe him but not me!?"

"Shouldn't that be a good thing?"

"Error... Yes... Hmm... Never mind... I'm just digging myself a hole"

"Exactly nightmare.... Soo... How we get them back? In bodies? Cause I dont think our dream can handle shattereds team"

"Oh no... No... I want out! Now! This is your fault!"

"My fault!? Stop shaking me!"

"I can throw you off the roof if you like"

"That but be hurting your own body!"

"I was taking about yours"

"Okay!" Nightmare hit both of them "stop it so we can think... What happened before you slepted dream?"

"Uhh" Error left out glitching not noticed except the two Suns "I was with my boyfriend then home"


"W-we didn't do anything that time so stop being hostile! You cant overwrite the past"


"He kissed you before bed right?"

"Huh? Yes? What does that have to-You don't think it happened the same time?"

"Who knows but... You gonna have to kiss my body while I kiss his together"

"I'm not kissing my brother!"

"You won't be! Your body be kissing error idiot!"

"But still! I know... And controlling..."

"Does it look like I want to kiss that destroyer?"

"I'm sorry... Your saying error? And be fucked you? My best friend?"

"L-later... And blame me mostly... Glitchy please come"


"I know you hear and see"

".... Fine... Don't kill me nightmare"

".... Later.... Chat... Both of you... Let's get this over with"

The End!

(Sorry for mistakes!)

(They did it and the next day they were normal)

(This was also rushed/lost motivation)

Sanscest Shots&Lemons (Request paused)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon