(EV!Errormare-Lemon) Obedient

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I know.... Again! I have a problem with errormare... Not my fault ideas of these two keep coming....

EV= Empireverse (which I don't know a lot about (in my opinion) but I know the jiff of the kingdoms)

It was a peaceful day in nightmares castle... And thats saying alot since his house is never is... These days are rarely here and nobody really cares to say the least... But when it's time to relax... It's time.... their king needs peaceful days after all....

Error and nightmare were in his office. Error, his second in command, was reading on his couch as the king did paperwork. Night was glancing at him from time to time admiring the beauty.... Error isn't one for listening but when it comes down to his king...

The glitch was getting nervous each time... He could feel the stares from the boss... Was he bored or needed something? He finished the book getting up to put it back on the shelf... Nightmare eyed him up and down biting his lips at the sexy figure...


"Y-yea?" He jumped slightly placing it back "need something?"

"Come here and pleasure your king"


Error turned blushing making sure he heard that right. Nightmare motioned him over with a dangerous lust look making him gulp and obey... The king brought hin into a kiss that left more cravings....

"Mmm~ tastey~"

"M-my king... Um"

"Don't worry about a thing... No one will see you my queen" He pulled him down "You be under my desk after all"

'He called me....'
"N-nightmare.... I-i... Hmm~ not... Little bit...... Lower.... There! F-fuck~"

Error gripped on the chairs arm rest letting the king mark up his neck. Why he being so obedient? He never.... Even before when the boss tried... Now he is?

"Good boy... Now get on your knees under"

"I-i understand"


He turned back scooting in disappearing error from anyone else who walks in. The male went undoing the bosses pants heated..... He really shouldn't....

"Now, now.... Don't get shy.... Your king claimed you as his queen and is letting you get a taste.... You obey my orders remember?"


Error shivered at the tone not minding it licking it slightly. He isn't one for touching or listening remember so that... Night chuckled a bit leaning back watching the flustered male... Not a sight you see everyday....

"Your so obedient Error... Mm... For someone who doesn't do that all...."

Error looked away from his king taking him finally in whole. Night put a hand on his skull rubbing a bit humming... The male was bobbing up, holding it on the sides lightly. He even closed his eyes getttiny into it....

"Hmmm~ ya error..... Oh man your such a good servant.... Look at you go... Y-ya, use those tongues too..."

Nightmare stared up eyes closed mouth open. Error was moving quickly off and on... Swirling his tongues around, sucking from the side up, or messing with the tip... Alot of salvia was being used....

"Mhm, mah, ah, fnh, mmm~"

"E-error~ your such an obedient boy... Only for me huh? Oh shit...."

"Mwah.. Ha, ha..."

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