(Errormare-lemon/Angstish?) Dolls

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"You two are staying in here"

"We can just teleport out"

"Nope! This room is that special room"


Horror close it locking them in. The two groaned glanding at each other... Why they have to? Well... The two kept arguing... They keep making the other cry and noone is apologizong like usual... So the team decided to do this... What the boss does to them...

"Stay on your side"

"..... Fine"
'I really should....'

Nightmare watched error going to his side. An imagine came to him as his eyes went lower... He gulped taking a breath before looking away, going to his side... Night was really a pervert if he.... Man... Has it been that long since touching error?



"Pft... You make and play doll?"


"Heh.... That's cute"

"Wah... Wh-what ever... First you make fun of me and now...."

"Error... You dang well know, I never mean my jokes with you.... But I can tell they mean a lot... I was also a bit jealous you were making an ink plush"

"Kinda? And I was fixing it... I have one of every sans I encountered"

"Really..... That's sweet and adorable"


"Hahaha! I-im gonna take a nap... Enjoy your dolls"

Nightmare turned over facing away happily. Finally, one normal conversation after everything.... Error grins at the bosses laughter as he worked... After a while, a soft, low snoring came from the boss... The room was quiet so it can be heard...

The glitch put his stuff down going over. The boss won't mind the destroyer sleeping next to him... They are lovers after all... Error eyed his tentacles moving some.... Was he having an actual nightmare? Or something? Error went on the bed going over some since he was to the wall a bit.

They went grabbing him slipping all over. Error face exploded panicking at the feeling and were they touched. They were all over him... Two on his wrist holding then above like two on his ankles holding his legs open and two others went under his shirt like two went down his pants...

The glitch female echo turned on used to the signs letting them... He wasn't incontrol but was dreaming.... Damn pervert won't change.... Error was making noises to it all not knowing what to do... The tentancles both shoved into him moving in and out ruffly... The glitch could hear the sounds from them...

"Ahhh~ n-nighty~ fuck~ mmm~"


"Oh ya! Hnm~ ahhh~ so good~"

"..... Hn.... H-huh?"


"Huh? Oh my... Uh"

"F-fucking... Pervert...."

"Damn... I..."

"Mmm! Mm! Shit! Stop bouncing me on! Y-yah!"

"Heh, how about we add my erection with it?"

He went undoing his pants watching error. The glitch had his eyes close letting out everything not holding back. Night chuckled a bit bringing him to it, shoving into him, letting the tentacle wrap around it

"N-night.... D-damn it! Ahhh~ t-take it! Easy! Mmm~"

"No can do... Fuck... Faster error... I know you can"

"Sh-shut! Hmm! Ha! Fwah! Mmm~"

"Oh man... Look at you... Error~"

"Y-ya! Ahhh~ mmm~ fuck yah!"

"S-sorry error.... I know how sudden this was.... Shit! Mmm~"

"I-its okay! Ahh~ just don't stop now!"

"Heh... Don't plan on it"

—Next day—

"You two good now?"

"Ya... I guess we are"

Nightmare smirks carressing error and skull with a tentacle. The glitch blushed a bit before glaring at him; getting a chuckle and removing it leaving. Error huffed looking back at the rest who was starring...


"Is that your ecto?"


"Oh m-Dont even! I'm going to the anti-void if you need me"

The End!

(Sorry for mistakes.... Me was bored doing this)

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