(Errormare-Lime) Just a dare?

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"Alright! Here we go! As you can see, each spin wheel thing has our names and things to do.... Since we are all single, it doesn't really matter! Lust and I made this game if you couldn't tell"

'What happened to blue?'
'Just why?'
'What have you done?'
"Why does this even exist?'
'I knew it was bad'

"Now stop with those looks! It be fun! I'll even give first! If you get your own name you can choose who ever you want by the way!"

Blue went spinning the two wheels. The dare wheel stopped first saying a peck on the lips. Of course he wouldn't get it that bad.... But who's getting it. It started slowly down making them anxious.... It landed on dream

"Okay!" He went doing it quickly embarrassed "Sorry dream"

"It's alright! That's what it's for"

"Can't the other refuse?"

"No! That's not how it works"

"I didn't sign up for this"

"I don't any of us did boss"

"why so worried? Think-I will throw you dream"

"Hehehe, all I know is.... If I get my brother on something other then a kiss on the cheek im breaking it"

"Or you can just respin"

"No. I'm breaking it"

"Okay.... Dream! Just go since you were the victim I guess"

"Alright! Let's see!"

"Not to hard!"


'He's doing this on purpose'
'This is why I love my brother'
'These two are definitely sibling'

"Error... and a hug! Oh thank you"

"Your luckily I put clean ones"

"Oh am I"

"This isn't fun at all"

"It's just a hug error... I know you don't like touching but at least I'm not kissing you or touching you wrongly"

"Ya, ya.... Just get it over with"

dream nodded hugging him. The positivity gaurdian eyes widen sensing his brothers negativity towards this.... Oh ho... He smirks backing away from the crashed skeleton

"Man... It's so nice feeling emotions"


"Oh ignore me! Just talking to me self"

'He's a demon'
'I knew it'
'I hate him so much'
'Fuck you dream'

"Ugh.... I'm back..."

"Goodie! Now spin it"

"Kill me now"

He spun it with his strings not caring at all. The other could obviously tell he didnt. Error has his eyes closed as it went to a stop. They all gasped and snickered at the choice of dare. Who's gonna he the lucky male to make out with him....

"Wait a minute... Who the fuck put my name to Nootmare!?"

"Hehe, I did! You have been choosen!"

"What? To do what d... Oh hell no"

"Gotta do it~ it's your dare!"

"I am not!"

"You get a punishment if not... And they aren't lovely I say"

"Right! There in the back of those panels! So choose wisely~"

"Ugh! Fine.... I'm gonna die...."

The bad guys sweat drop knowing it's true. There boss isn't one for.... And especially if.... But error might survive? Who knows...

"Error..... I swear...."

"Boss.... Don't kill me"

"Oh I'm planing onMhm!"

They both clanked with each other. Error actually went for it surprisingly. Nightmare looked displeased grabbing error making out. The others just stared in surprised that he did that.... Error himself was too.... He thought he was flustered enough but nope....

The two of them were actually enjoying the session. Errors hands were on his skull as nightmare supported the glitch. It just felt right... And each second made then grave more... Nightmare then got here tongues involved without noticed to the others.

They saw they were but not who started it. Error groaned for more which night only heard though growling slightly. They couldn't.... He couldn't with them... Damn it all...

"Fwah.... Th-there.... Is that fine?"

"Perfection error~ you too nightmare~"

"Shut it lust"

Error went out leave but nightmare pulled him back laying in his shoulder. His face was pure yellow not knowing how to respond. The others snickered at them before turning to the wheel for nightmares spin chatting

"I would of fucked you if you didn't stop"

"O-oh.... Uh"

"Heh, too cute"

Nightmare kissed the back of his neck without noticed. Error gripped his pants feeling him continue... How is nobody seeing... Or hearing....

"Nightmare.... Your..."

"It's okay.... Relax..."

"F-fuck.... Not so...."

"Awww! He got his name! And with... Ah! Hickey! So bro.... Nevermind"

Everyone looked when he said that. Error was covering his mouth as his boss was messing with his neck and hand under his shirt. The destroyer was obviously enjoying it but trying not to show it.....

"Alright then.... So who's gonna go next?"

"I'll go! Just cause we made it!"

"Alright Violet!"


Everyone in the room froze at the sound. Error crashed on the spot from embarrassment not knowing what to do. The boss had blush on his cheeks smirking madly. Oh it was such a nice sound that he wouldn't mind hearing again....

The end!

(Sorry for mistakes... Why do I keep doing this?)

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