(DreammarexAus-Lime) Future

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Everyone was chilling at the stars living room waiting. Science made a new potion and wants to try it out... Everyone us here just in case something goes wrong... It's suppose to age you a couple years... Not much... Only 10 or 15...

"So... Who's gonna be the test taker?"

"Right! We have to decide! How about a drawing this time?"

"Doesn't sound bad killer! Luckily for us! We kept it!"

"I wish you didn't"

"Brother... Dont be like that"

"Shut up dream"

"Hahaha.... Sorry nighty"
'Still doesn't like me calling him brother'

"Anyways" Ink shuffles them "who wants to pull?"


"what!? Why ya all said that!?"

"You suggested it"

"Fine.... Dont blame me if I pull our name"

"Well then! Here you go! Pull a name"

Killer shuffled through it a little hesitate. Science then appeared screaming it's done making them all jump. Killer almost spilled it but got it in time holding on.... He looked at it getting nervous... Dust looked over moving away from killer quickly.

"Uh um... Your not helpful dust!"

"I rather be on horrors lap then die"

"He got... Oh boy"

"Oh? You choose who drinking it?"

"Um... I-its says dream! Imsorryboss!"

"You are...."

"I'll be fine nightmare! Don't worry! Science did say it's not deadly"

"Yes! It's non deadly! I even made a tracker for the person to make sure they are good and safe... Here dream"

"Oh, thanks!"

"How can you be so calm of this?"

"Cause I know it be okay! And if not... You will come!"

Nightmare sighed rubbing his skull as everyone stared. Dream trust nightmare a bit of much some times they swear.... Especially the stars... He went drinking it without warning... All of it.... They stared for a minute but then he puffed in smoke.

"I swear I will kill you science"

"Relax... I got my computer.... Especially fine it says"

*cough, cough*

"Who's there?"

"Ugh... What the hell..."

There eyes widen at the taller dream in a different attire then usual... He had bandages on his hands, a black sleeveless jacket with a yellow Teen Top under and black jeans. He hand balcony and yellow shoes matching. The male had scar on one eye with a black trail down...

"How the fuck is that dream!?"

"Okay... I'm not hallucinating then... What you do science?"

"His voice even deepened!? Is this even dream!?"

"It has to! He has the same crown!"

"Yes I'm dream... Well... 25 years in the future dream"


"That's more then I wanted... But it works!"


"What the fuck!?"

"Still aggressive I see... Hmm... You know... Your normal"

"What? How?"

"I can show you"

'I don't like that grin'
"How ifmhm!?"

Everyone eyes widen at dream making out with nightmare. The boss was blush in badly trying to back away but couldn't... His tentacles disappeares enjoying it... The people around just stood there awkward since the two brother like that was definitely a turn on....

"Fwah... Ha.. Ha... You idiot..."

"Heh" He licked his lips "Still taste delicious as always"

"Fuck you... Shit... Now I can't..."

"I can do much more then that~ but your not my nighty yet so I won't"


"Awww! Your so adorable blushing brother! Keep feelin positive and you will~"

"H-hey! Stop! Mmm~"

He gripped his "older" brother as he messed with his neck. Dream pushed him down going ruffer putting a hand under his shirt revealing a turned on ecto-body. Nightmare let out a moan not fighting since he couldn't stop it. The others gripped there hands or on some tightly not knowing what to do...

"This a turn on huh? I can see it written on ya~ your so obedient like my nighty~"

"Fu-fuck... St-stop! Mhm!"

"Nah... Your almost back"


"B-boss... Can you... Not..."

"He's not gonna respond... Hes lost right now.... Oh look... hes back"

There eyes widen at the skeleton on the couch... He's smaller now... Does the goop make him taller or something? He was a purple attire... And the crown on his head shiny as always....

"Screw you.... Fuck..."

"Heh... Welp, see in the future! Have fun with a turned on nighty~ would of finished but... cant sadly"

He then poofed away revealing a dream licking white stuff off his hand. They knew exactly what it was.... So it was dream! How the hell is he a bottom if he as so...

"O-oh hey guys! How was.... Nighty?"

"H-hey... I hate you... Even... More"

"Hehe... Did he mess with you? I mean... He was in the middle of messing with his nightmare"

"That was cum huh?"


"I still can't believe your a top.. And nightmare is a bottom!"

"Shut up lust! I hate you all... You all just let him starring..."

"Um nightmare?"


"You have a friend"

"Tch.... Why you even looking down there!?"

"Sorry! I was just making sure all the negativity was gone!"

"Ugh! This is stupid..."

"Not now!?"
"No! Boss! Wait... Horror... Stop..."
"Please stop!"

"Fuck.... Your own faults..."

"nighty.... Let me"

"W-wait dream... Shit..."

'Not again'
'Oh noo...'
'Someone save us'
'These two...'
'Too much! Too much!'
'Fuck... Horror is not helping at all..'

The End!

(Sorry for mistakes)

(this counts as lime right? Right!?)

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