(Errorink-lemon?) ASMR?

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For a while now, ink has been obsessed with ASMR... But he can never find the right voice to give him a relaxing sensation... A good one at least... He likes to when hes tired or drawing... Sometimes when he's bored... He mostly does when drawing though....

There is a voice he actually likes... Errors... He left the country so he isn't around anymore... But ink chats with him over the phone... It always gives... No... Let's not go there... Especially into the wrong...

"Ugh... There's no good ones... Hm? Is this a new person? Oh it seems so... Guess I'll try it out"

He grabbed his head phones putting them over his skull... He didn't want to disturb.. Well... Weird his roomates out if they came in... They aren't to big on it... He believes anyways...

"Wait... his sounds like... Glitchy..."

He set the phone down since the screen was black showing subtitle on his ribs. It was him peacefully doing it.... Talking softly and smooth... The glitching was actually quite smothing since he was annoyed for freaked out... So beautiful and...

"Damn... It ended so... Hmm... He had a lot of comments... Heh~ who knew glitchy would be popular~... Hmm... Let's tease him a bit and check out the others...."

He posted his comment going into his channel... Ah he watch one of his first ones... Eating chocolate.... Ink gulped knowing error has multiple tongues before clicking on it.... Black screen again... He set the down listening putting his lights away....

He could here the wrapped being opened and not loud where it's annoying... Or softly when it's so... It was just right... He always was delict with things... Especially things to his liking.... Error spoke mentioning his tongues...

"Oh god... I can imagine...."

Ink gulped listening to the tongues move away. He could hear his breath in with the too... Like he was right on his neck... Ink groaned a bit getting an imagine... The male shook it away putting an arm over his sockets resting on his stomach.

"Mm, ah, ha, mm, ha" *click*

He julted back hearing a piece brake gripping where his hands are. Ink cursed listening to error chew it moaning at the taste.... His arm moved down to his pants gripping lightly...

"No... Stop it ink... Oh thank god it's done... I'm such an idiot..."


"Hm? Oh he texted me lol..."

Error: you asshole

Ink: hehe! Not my problem~! So how this happen?

Error: Nightmare

Ink: eh? Dreams "missing" Brother?

Error: yup he's my roommate up here... He caught me hummig and talking with my puppets and said people would like my voice like that

Ink: heh, he's not wrong... I for one adore it... It's quite relaxing... Wish I could hear it everytime I paint or relax...

Error: .....
Error: your a damn pervert

Ink: I prefer the word Sadist as some say... Or teaser

Error: here... I made a couple videos for you actually.... I always notice how you stare when I....

"H-he noticed!? Wait... He made me... This idiot..."

Error: well! I'm going out with nightmare and our friends... Enjoy them and let me know what you think tomorrow
*4 attachments was sent*

"Oh god... I don't think I can today but...."

He clicked on first one with a breath. Error was talking seductively tapping on his table. Ink face exploded in colors... It's worst since he can see him...

"He's trying to overheat me"

"So Kiky.... I bet your turned on right now huh? Your lights always go into a heart and and exclamation point.... Not that I mind"

He leaned back licking his teeth making ink whisper his name lustfully. His hand was in his pants moving a bit. Ink took out the stand in the back letting it sit up on him to see.

"So ink... Would you try it for me? Hm? Since I made you these... That's all for now... Enjoy the others"

It ended going to the one after.... He a Teen Top on his bed in shorts... It just made ink pump faster moaning lightly.... Error gonna kill him...

"Shit... I can just... He looks so fuckable.... Damn..."

*hiccup* "I may have drunk too much! Hehe, oh well~ nightmare fucking killer in his room anyways! Soundproof works wonders! *hiccup* say Love.... Am I turning you on like this?"

"Hm! D-dont..."

Ink watched error sitting up on his knees on the bed. Lifting his shirt with one hand and pulling the shorts down with the other, the artist could only imagine.... It got pulled lower, as he bit his shirt, showing the top of his....

"Shit~... Don't tease like this..."

"You like it huh? Am I teasing you badly? Hm?"

"Yah... You are... Damn it error..."

"Heh, I can imagine your response... Sorry but you won't see this until we are face to face"

"Just a little more... He knows what exactly I'm gonna respond... Damn... What's this one?"

He got air as the video loaded... The first thing he heard was a moan... What he saw... Error fucking himself with a toy... His butt was in perfect view... He could see his face clearly...

"F-fuck! I-ink~ mm~ oh man!"

"Y-yeah! Shit... Is he drunk again? Mmm~ or thought of this? either way... It's everything! Ngh"

"Inky~ ahh~ I can only imagine! Mmm~"

The camera cut with colors changing to another senerio. He was bouncing on one now... No clothes once so ever... This wasn't ASMR anymore... Definitely not... How loud he was... Error tongues came out moaning

"Ink! I-im gonna cum!"

"Oh ya... Cum... Shit... I'm so close ruru... Please.."

"Ahh~ y-yeah! Ha! So good~"

"Fuck~ I.... Damn... It's all over my hand... Hm? Damn he's... There he goes... Such a sexy sight... Wonder what the last one is"

"So... How our enjoy them? I know dang well you were touching our self's.... I look forward to yours... Inky... I'm never doing this again..."

"You know you will"

"Sh-shut up nightmare! Hey!"

"He's obsessed with you ink. He can't handle not talking to you for a day!

"T-thats a lie!"

"Lier! You know it's true!"
"Stop lying error!"
"You love him with your life!"

"Screw all of you! This is exactly why I like Filming by myself! Ugh! Bye ink! They won't leave me alone if I don't"

"Heh, he got good friends.... I should show this to dream... After cleaning up... Oh... Let's save these before he deletes them"

The End!

(Sorry for mistakes! And if you can't tell, it was inspired by that video... I wanted to make ErrorInk anyways)

Sanscest Shots&Lemons (Request paused)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें