(Fluffy(Kill)mare/ErrorKiller-Angst/fluff) Not Me

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The video (hopefully is shows) was what inspired this angst... Somewhat at least! That video made me cry sadly.... As beautiful as it is....

"Why... Why.... Why is it always him!? And not me!? We been together do long... Through ups and downs... Now it's... Why not me? What's wrong with me boss? Can you tell me? What I don't have... Oh right... I'm just emotionless being... That follows your orders... Like a doll..."

Killer cried in his knees against the wall in his room... A bloody knife next to him that came from his wrist... Nobody even can tell hes... Nobody... Not even himself can see what's wrong... Flashbacks started coming back....

"Killer? You okay?"

"B-boss... I'm fine... Don't worry..."

"Killer... Don't lie to me... I dont accept lies"

"N-night... Fine... I'm just... In my thoughts again is all"

"Killer... I told you... You are perfect... Anyone would want you... Even if your like this.... Your shaking.... Are you cold? How long have you been out side!?"

Killer looked away blushing at the boss.. He was close after all... Night sighs takin his jacket off and putting it on killa blushing a bit... The male looked back surprised with a light on...

"I-its to help you... Besides... It looks better on you right now"

"Heh... Thanks nighty! Hehe"

"He then gave it to.... And let him keep it... I shouldn't have gave it back.... Why... Why not me? Why is it always not me?"

"here Ccino"


"Take it and keep it.... You said you lost yours"

'I can't do that... I thought killer and...'
"B-but... Isn't this-Its fine Ccino.... Heh, your so adorable"

"Uh, th-thanks..."
'Are they? I'm guessing no if...'

"I wonder what he was thinking at that time... Probably all happy thoughts... Got the king of negativity to love you... Isn't that funny..."

"Killer!? You okay!?"

"Hm? I'm fine Ccino"

"Y-you sure? You look like you havnt-Im good! Don't worry! Go before the boss gets worried"

"..... Fine..."

Killer laughed a bit waving bye as he left to nightmare... Ccino was still worried for killer... He can see the two breaking apart... Going father and father away... Error, who was in the kitchen frown at the male lying again... He's not an idiot.... Ink is the same when acting... Thy both suck no matter how much they show happiness...

"Error!? Y-upr hugging me!?"

"Stop lying idiot.... You know your in pain... Your hurting..."


He broke out into tear turning around hugging the glitch. Error jumped blushing a bit not expecting it but didn't care... A smile went on his lips caressing his skull.... A new start to a friendship....

"At least he was there from there on... It was everything.... Maybe I can ask him again? Maybe he will be with me.... Talk with me.... Unlike.... Ya... Error always said he be here if I need it... And error isn't one for lying..."

Killer go up sniffling picking up the knife... He went cleaning the off and his wrist... He grabbed bandages wrapping them slowly and neatly... The male went out taking his jacket off tossing it in the hamper getting a new one... He spotted errors jacket grabbing it getting a loving smile as he put it on...

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