(Insomnia/ErrorDream- Oneshot) Protect

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Idk what to call this... But it's here lol and I don't give a fuck-

Contains: Angst? Fluff?

Things were hectic right now in the multiverse. Aus glitching themselfs out of existence, people escaping them and remembeeing rest when there not suppose too, stars and bad sans working together (that's not bad), and other multiverse colliding into theres... To many things are going on...

Now you may be asking why... Why is this happening? Well... Error was our into a coma by ink making no more destruction for a long time... He kept making aus and... Ya... Error really never said anything about the balance but of course the twins knew... They could tell by the two people the balance holders between positivity and negativity....

So dream never really holded it against his brother or error... Error... He was nightmares best friend... That he ahead to fell in love with... Error did too... And then night found out helping the two but was still protective... It was a sight actually for the bad guys, blue and violet, who doesn't have a side...

Right now, dreamswap just collided with them freezing there aus until it breaks off again... He major problem was that they started war... It annoyed everyone of here universe... The meme squad from there decided to help them saying they aren't the same... Like something is wrong... And they could tell by there eyes.... It was all glitchy... Like they were gonna disappear like there aus...

"DS! Stop!"

"M-move! I will kill him!"

"Run now DS!Nightmare!"


"Come on! We got to! He won't listen and our error needs help"

"Cross.... Okay! Be careful!"

"I'll be fine! We fought before"

He pushed him back annoyed gripping his sword. Blue made it and DS!Dream taught him... He remembers that clearly.... He will bring him back... Even if it causes his life... Hopefully error wakes up soon... Science is trying everything with Geno...


"Woah, your stance is so off... But you nick pick everything like nightmare... Where's that at?"


Dream cursed seeing him go black. Not good... If anyone sees him... That be bad.... Nightmare came tossing him making dream breath out relief. DS! Blue and DS!ink came attacking but missed....

"Thanks brother... Damn.. He's loosing it... Come on DS! You really don't remember me!? Or you gonna still be a fucker and kill me?"

"Dream... What?"

"He's basically you brother... Just my body... With different features"

"I... Nevermind..."

"Woah! Not nice ink"

"Don't... Touch... Dream..."

"He's still there... Ink don't you want dream back! You know his isn't him right!? You can feel it huh!?"

"Ngh? Shut up! Shut up!"

"He can... Try to bring him back... I'll deal with those two"

"Be careful... We got major issues here"

"Your like us in this universe... Shouldn't be... That bad... Hopefully... I mean... I'm fighting a destroyer and a wanna be positivity gaurdian"

"Pft... He is...."

"I know right ink? But you love him huh? You been there like he's been there for you"


"It's okay.... Your safe... He will come back... He won't leave you alone remember? He promised"

"I... I... Ngh! Ahhh! Stop it!"


"Dream! Look out!"

"What the!?"

The other dream charged at going to attack but was stopped and flung. Strings threw him into blue wrapping them together freezing them. They looked seeing a panting error with science typing on a computer and Geno holding him.... He had a wrap around his neck for readings it seemed...

"Error! You got to go slow!"

"S-sorry.... I froze them... There's no time anyways... If I don't do something now... This universe will collapse with all the other au multiverse of us"


"Error! You sure your okay!?"

"I'm fine dream... Don't worry okay? It seems you brought him out"


"Good job"

"Th-thanks" They smirk at dream blusing at the head petting form him "what we do now?"

"Listen... We have to gothrough copy aus and find the core... Not the actual core of the universe but the au core that's in the ground... Cross and ink should be we to feel them... Both crosses sorry... I'm still woozy"

"It's fine! We will go tell them okay!? Go relax in the aus while we bring them okay!?"

"sure... Bye sunshine"

"Uh... W-we won't speak of that... He's obviously drowsy..."

"Pft.... That's his nickname for you dreams... It said it before to me"

"Shut up! Let's just go brother!"

"Ya, ya"

The end!

(Sorry for mistakes)

(I might turn this into a whole book... Who knows... And if I don't... Anyone is free to do so as long as you give credit to me for the idea)

(I'm telling you, this would be good plot... I hate that one-shots come out better then my actual plots....)

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