(NightmarexBadsans-Fluff) Tiny

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"Boss? You okay?"

"Y-ya.... Ill be back"

Nightmare left the group that was in the living. He appeared in crosses destroyed au coughing before disappear in with smoke. Cross, who was asleep there, was awaken by chara looking. He was confused on what had happened...

"W-what? Where?"

He stared at the cute little skeleton holding a book looking around. Chara started explains making cross get more excited going over to him...

"What's your name kiddo?"

"E-eh.... Uh N-nightmare! Y-your not gonna hit me too?"

"Ehhh!? Why would anyone do that sempai!?"

"Uh... O-okay.... Um, senpai? And do you know where dream is? He's my younger brother"

"Well... How old are you?"

"Oh... I'm only in the 100s"

'Did the boss deage? He said...'
"Well... Your in the future sempai!"


"Your so adorable! Who knew you could be like this!?"

Nightmare got more nervous as he fanboyed around him. Chara just shook his head chuckling at the idiot... A portal open out of view to the rest.... They all blink seeing the child... Error recognized it....

"Bosses old..."

They looked at error with shocked faces. He appeared him over in the middle of them. Night jumped looking around at them... They all looked... Interesting but....

"So tiny~ boss~"

"E-ehh.... Um... Who are you guys? And are you guys okay? Your skull is broken... You have hate... And your glitching"

'Such an Innocent bean'
'So cute'


"Um... Who are they cross?"

"You also know them here! That's dust, horror, killer and error"

"I-i do? I got friends? Ya don't dislike me or want me dead?"

'Oh... Those people are lucky they are dead'
'These damn...'

"Um! I'm sorry! Please don't be negative!"

"It's alright nighty.... We just... Protective of you is all"

"E-eh? Really error?"


"Okay.... Uh... C-can I see my brother?"


"I-is that asking alot?"

"We can't say no to you"

Horror picked up nightmare in his arm. He stayed in one hand holding the book blushing more. They chuckled at the flustered skeleton... Just like the boss.... He doesn't like being picked up at all....

"W-warn me next time"

"Sorry Little Boss, let's go see dream?"


Nightmare smiled widely making them all blush muttering at the cuteness. error opened a portal letting everyone go through. Dust covered nights eyes seeing lust and blue making out... Was a sight to see but...

"You guys"

"Mwah.... What? Je... Oh my... Is that tiny boss!?"

"Um... Who's... Uh..."

Sanscest Shots&Lemons (Request paused)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang