(DS!DreamBerry-Lemon) Sore

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DS- Dreamswap

"Mmm~ how's that feel?" (He's humming a tune)

"G-good... Fuck..."

Dream was on blues butt massaging his back. Blue had sore muscles and was stiff for doing a lot of things. The boss didn't mind helping him... Took him awhile to see dream was serious about it... So that would mean his ecto is on...

Blue could feel every time dream bended on him... Foward or back... He couldn't say anything enjoying that sensation too.... The bird was definitely something anyone would want... He's small but not absolutely small... And blue is tall....

Dream had his ecto on too... It was for a better grip on blue.... But was it really? He actually want to start humping the male... For an odd reason, blue makes him like this... His touches are fire... And this....

"Shall I do the front now?"

"Y-ya... That's fine"
'I'm calm now'

He floated up as blue turned around flinching a bit. Dream landed back in his spot taking a breath. Blueberry almost growled and wanted to touch him... He cursed at himself as the boss bended....

The gaurdian was massaging his shoulders looking at him directly in the eyes.... Moving his whole body with it to gain friction... He went down doing it to... Pressing more onto blues pants... Then going back up...

'Damn it all... He's fucking turning me on...'

"Let's start on your body now"


"I'll take it slow since...."

'I don't want memories...'

"Here?" Blue jolted pushing up on him "s-sorry"

"I-its alright... Wasn't expecting it"

"Alright, it's! Hm!" Blue did it again "d-do these hurt more?"


"I-i see! Ah!"

Dream covered his mouth blushing badly like blue. He just... The boss looked away continuing... Blue did it again getting another groan... He was doing it on purpose now... Each time... The boss didn't care... Letting them out.. He couldn't stand it...

He even stayed on one spot just so he could keep going... Blue was grinning madly at it... Dream did look... He he flung his head back some... Clenching his teeth some times... When not, it was open, slowing the salvia atraching up and down...

"When your done... Mind going lower?"

"S-sure... Ngh! F-fuck..."

"Try warming me up... Use your lower half while focusing here"

"Mm... Like this?"

"Y-ya... Perfect... Shit... S-sorry for the! Jolts!"

"Ah... I-its alright!"
'Damn... This feels...'

'Heh... He's enjoying it... Man...'
"Your doing a good job boss"

"I-i hope so... Mmm~"

"Faster Dream"

"Mhm! Oh man!"

"That's it Lord dream... Put it all into..."

"Ahh~ oh my! I-im sorry! I!"

"Shit... Don't stop now... You promised to help me"

"Mmm... I-its so good! I-i won't! Until you said your better!"

"Understood... How about you pull them down... You be able to get it better"

"Y-ya... I might..."

The lord did what he was told not complaining. He was right infront of it rubbing his hips and thighs... He even went in too...

"Dream.... Damn.."


"A bit..."

Blue got an idea seeing him about to speak again. He jolted butting it inside groaning. Dream couldn't be more bright... The boss still didn't take it out though... He moved on it rubbing still... Blue cursed again putting a hand on the skull...

"B-boss... Oh god... You wanted this huh? Mmm~"

"Mm, ah hm"

"I know you know more... Come on Lord dream.... Oh man... A-all the way down..."

".. Ah... B-blue... I'm sorry... I shouldn't.."

"It's okay... I know you want to ride me.... I don't mind"

Dream watched blue taking his stuff off heated. The other licked his lips at the eager Lord... Dream couldnt take it anymore... He wanted blue to take him...

"Ah! Ngh... B-be careful"

"S-sorry... Y-your still sore huh?"

"Mhm... But that doesn't matter... Get moving boss"

Dream gasps feeling his tongue against his neck moving him slightly. The Lord holded him around his neck moving... Blue loved it all... The movement, the sounds... His begs... Berry gripped onto his wings hitting his shoulder moving too... Dream just yelled out in pleasure from then....

"Blue! Ahh~ fuck! No! I can't! F-faster!more! Please! Don't! Fwah! St-stop!"

"Ngh! I'm twyihg!"

"I-its so good~ ahhh~ so much better then I! Fu-fuck~ i-i can't hold!"

"Mhm! Ah~ your such a good boy Lord dream! Ever need help I'm here... Will you be there for me?"

"Y-yes, I'll help anytime you ask"

"Same here"

They kissed enjoying themselves without a care. Dream was flipped down and laughed a bit. Berry didn't mind it, happy he was enjoying it...

"My turn to release"

"Now to leave me sore"

"Heh... Don't worry... I'll come help"

"Ha! Y-you better!"

The end!

(Ya I know, they act nothing like they should.... Oh well~)

(Sorry for mistakes)

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