(Frepic- Lime) Soul

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Fresh was messing with error in the living room of the shared household. Yes shared... They all lived together... Bad and stars? And ones who didn't need to be in their aus... Of course other aus stay when they can...

"Leave me alone!"

"I'm not touching brah!" He ran after pointing "Come back!"


The parasite stopped turning to cross coming with a soul. Error escaped at that point happily... Even if it was cross who helped... Cross handed it to him as he stared at it confused...

"Why you giving me a soul? You trying to make it go crazy?"

"Just h-Cross! Give me it back!"

"Epic broski?"

"Uh" He looked at his hands "damn it cross..."


"C-can I have my soul back? Um.."

"Th-this yours brah?"

"Mhm... He took it... Stop hiding behind him!"

"I know you want to" He whispered "epic won't mind it"

Fresh blushed as he left away... Epic face went more colored as he moved it in his fingers. The dude covered his mouth crouching a bit at the feeling... He went ruffer in the soul going closer to the other....

"You like it bruh?"

"Mhm... Ah"

Fresh froze at the moan he gave... Epic looked away embarrassed about it. Fresh gulped rubbing the line in the middle pressing to go in.. The soul was glowing brightly dripping his color plasma... Epic was making noises behind his hands watching him again...

"Sh-should I stop broski?"

"Y-yeah... If you want... Mmm! Fr-fresh..."

".... Please don't tease me epic"

Epic moaned out holding his arms as it went to his mouth... Oh no... What have he done? He also still doesn't know to hate cross for this or not... Epic reached out taking his glasses from the other. His soul was glowing in response to the other watching...

"Fresh... You..."

"Hm? What's wrong~? It taste so sweet~"

Epic face explosed at the sexy sight of fresh licking it lustful. What can he do? Fresh chuckled lightly handing it back to the other... Epic looked at him a bit confuse....

"I don't want to do anything to it... I mean my buddy..."

"Fresh..." Epic went over pushing it to him kicking fresh teeth "just do want you want... I know you won't let it and I know it won't"

Fresh face went even more colored gripping a bit tighter on the soul. He took a breath stars g directly at the others lust filled lights...

"Remember... You said I can"

The end!

(Sorry for mistakes; saw a video again and here it is... Apparently wattpad can't find it so...)

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