(Errormare-Lime) Closet

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It was that time again... Blue called a sleepover.... Blues sleepovers aren't a good thing..... Well to some... First it started off as a way to clear the air or become closer.... Now... It's just shipping people together that he found out liked another person...

I mean, not that it bad... Just awkward and weird in the situations they are given when it's spin the bottle or truth or dare.... Of course, they get him back with the person he is dating which is Dust, but it doesn't affect him much... The little blueberry isn't as innocent as he seems after all....

"Okay! Today we gonna play truth or dare! 18+ addition! And this time! I got the actual card game! Thanks again lust"

"Ugh... I was wonder where those went... My papyrus was confused how they just disappeared..."

"Hehe, these are shuffled already. This is truth, and these are dares. The person asked some T or D obviously, and it gives you 3 options to choose from. You pick and the person has to answer... If the don't... They pick from this pile deck. The 34+ you can say"

"You stole that too!? Really blue!?"

"What's wrong with your brother?"

"Don't ask me... He plays them with the other papys"


"Just don't... How about I start wth you blue since I have more experience? And you read rules?"

"Sure! Go!"

"Alright... T or D?"

"Hmm.... Truth! Just to start easy"

"Alright... Let's see..."

"What the fuck!?"

"Shhh horror! It's called 18+ for a reason... Alright... When was the last time you had sex and didn't enjoy it?"

"I think I might like this"
"Ooo... Better answer before dust come back from the bathroom"
"Oh ho!"

"Um... Let me think.... Uh... Well, I enjoy all of them but... The one time I didn't enjoy it as much.... Was when he was drunk that one time... It was about a year ago.... Carrot also walking in on us"

"Alright! Under the deck it goes"

"Okay! Hmm... Dream! T or D?"

"Oh boy... Uh... Truth?"

"Scary cat... Alright.... Hmm... Ah! How many times have you been on your knees?"


"I swear to you cross... I will not hesitate to fly if he says...."

"Oh jeez... Then I'm lucky"

"Right you are... Well... Not really... Wait, which one?"

"Hmmm... Let's go with you down sucking"

"Nooo... I'm gonna die...."

"C-cross... Shut up"


"Nighty! No! Do it after!"

"... Fine glitchy"

"Answer the dang question before I let him"
'The looks we are getting'

"Um... I don't know... I don't really count.... Like... 67?"



"You went up too high... We haven't even had full on sex many time"

"Oh fight! Eh... Just ten off"

"Alrighty~ you ask dream"

"Okay! Brother! T or D?"

"Dare... Just to see"

"Your gonna regret that... Eh? A blank?"

"You get to make up something"

"Aww... Thats lame... Hmm... Cross?"


"Ooo! That's good idea!"

"I swear.... Your dead after this"

"Hush it nightmare! Your dare is the closet"


"Your going to take the person you love into the hallway closet with you. You will stay in there until I tell you, you can come out"

"You damn... Tch"

"What the!? Nightmare!?"

They all started snickering at him grabbing error by a tentacle. The glitch was blushing madly at him being chosen... There's other singles there so it could of been anyone but...

"Hold on! Let me come lock it! So you guys can't cheat! No telporting out!"

"We know damn it!"
"Stupid one way lock"

"Alright! Have fun~"


Nightmare sighs leaning against a wall. Error stared for a minute before looking way going deeper in. The boss opened an eye clicking his tongue. He walked over bring him close with a tentacle. Error yelped quietly gripping on him now.


"I can't stand this"


"How we are acting... We love each other but why won't you admit it? We even had sex before"

"I... I..."

"Error... I love you okay? That won't change for anything understand me? No matter what"

He went kissing the male quickly but passionately. Error said it back when they separated bringing him into another one. Soon enough, it was a make out session in the closet. Nightmare had pushed him against a wall enjoying everything of error. His hands were all over the male and error was not caring one bit.

"Error... If you keep letting me... I'm gonna fuck you again"

"Not that I minded it"

"Heh... Now that's something I like to hear"

"Hmgm! N-not so ruff... Oh god..."

"Mmm~ you always taste so nice..."

"N-nightmare..... Mhm!"

"There you go... Faster error"

"Y-ya... F-fuck... Why did I choose these shorts?"

"Tight huh? I can change that"

The boss licked his neck undoing his pants. Error watched him getting getting air wanting him to go faster. The door got a knock making them look over.

"What is it?"

"You be out soon"

"Ya, ya... Just leave us alone Killer"

"Hehe, okay~"

"Error... Oi... You damn... Shit... You really are to skilled with those tongues... Mmm~ all the way.... Oh man..."

Nightmare put a hand on his head enjoying the blow job. He used his tentacles to mess with his erection and stick one inside. He needs to be prepared after all....

The End!

(I almost turned this into a lemon... Whoops! Lime it is! right?)

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