(DustMare-Fluff) Alone

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Tonight was like almost any other night at the bad guys house. Everyone was out/with their lovers and Dust and the Boss left home... Cross and epic are still lucky nightmare hasn't killed them for dating his brother....

Anyways, these two don't really have anyone... Its surprising horror got one before dust actually... Lust at that though... Well unlust or Violet since he doesn't like it unless hes that.... Dust was in the living room like always watch in tv while nightmare was upstairs... These two actually was able to get to onowe each other better...

Dust mostly though.... He never thought him and his boss could open up like that... Especially telling about what happened.... They really aren't that far apart.... He also found out nightmare didn't look like that... He was a normal skeleton like dream... The man can even turn back if wanted too but that's rarely or when there's to much positivity in him... The patch e dies too proves it....

"What the hell... Why am i..."

Nightmare looked at the mirror touching himself. he was back to normal... Well... Besides the patch that he covered up the white covers the black... It really doesn't bug him but how this even happen!? Where has he been getting positivity from... Only... No... It can't...

"Is dust giving me.... Positivity?"

He gulped as purple came to his skull. There's no way he... Out of everyone to.... Dream jinxed it! He swear it! It's been quite a while since they been getting close but... He can't believe it... No wonder he's been having dreams of him and dust kissing or being close...

"Fuck me..."

He glanced over seeing the group family photo of the bad guys, then them together with the stars, him and his brother... Then him and dust... He smiles at them leaving out the room bravely... He was hungry after all....

"He's in the living room... I just have to be quiet that's it! Even if he..."

Nightmare left down with his magic by the kitchen entrance looking carefully... Not in sight.... He went in sneaking against the wall to the other entry... Dust was leaning back on the couch hands cross and eyes closed... His hoodie was off surprisingly... He wears it all the time unless he's alone...

"So peaceful..."

Nightmare went into the room carefully eyeing the boy. He looked at him curiously closely.... Dust felt the aura not moving at all.... The magic felt new but familiar to him... He couldn't explain it.... The boss put a hand on his cheek smiling

"He's so calm... He really shouldn't hide himself in his hoodie much... I'm a stupid boss for sure"

'Nightmare? But he feels so... Why his sure feel like this? And his hand... It isn't...'

"How did this bonehead fall asleep like this? I mean... I seen them sleep weird but... Isn't he uncomfortable?"

'Boss is so cute... He worries to much' about us though'

'What if I.... He won't notice....'

He went forward touching there noses taking a breath. His face was bright purple was the kiss. Dust gripped his sleeves slightly not expecting it... The boss just officially kissed him.... He backed away going to the side of dusts skull...

"....I love you dust..."

He left away to the kitchen making him open his eyes blushing mad. He looked seeing a smaller purple skeleton with a crown and wrap.. Nightmares passive.... How did he... Was that true!?

'Oh god... That was... I got to ask... I'll have one wait though... Man...'
"... I should of just grabbed him... Fuck me..."

The End?

(Sorry for mistakes!)

(There will be a part two of this! I just don't like how I went to do a lemon or lime... And this fluffyness is just! Mmm! To good!)

(A lime or lemon of Dustmare was asked for but that person will be tagged in the next part since this is neither!)

(So I decided to not post them together! SUFFER!!!!) (directed to one person who knows)

(Also.... My view count makes no sense... Like, it how's 80 something for my first the the next dropped like into the 30s or 20s same with the one after then shoots up to 60 something like... Wattpad... Are you okay? Or are people scrolling to quickly for you to count it? Or skipping?)

(Aren't I just chatty today? Boi killmare has the least amount of views as of writing this😂 do you not like it or am I just bad? Or is it cause it's fluff? Mostly likely cause it's fluff and I'm trash)

Sanscest Shots&Lemons (Request paused)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ