(ErrorKiller-Lemon?) Stars

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Contains: Soul sex?

Killer was in his room again... He always stays in there unless he's called upon or bored... It actually worries the gang... But he really just like his ceiling... It was a gift from error after all....

He made it all like space... Outer even helped him... Its like the galaxy his roof... With plants and stars... Multicolored too... They hanged by errors strings which made it better... He also had a doll of him and killer on a planet looking at everything....

"He's too cute"

Killer giggled getting off his bed leaving out of his room locking it. He left away hands crossed his chest thinking eyes closed. The target was shifing as blush came to his cheeks beinng happy.... Error appeared in his mind smiling and chatting with him...


"Hm? Huh? Boss?"

'His lights... And soul...'


'They are disappearing...'
"What has you all happy?"

"Wh-what? Pft, I don't what you mean"

'He's blushing so badly....'
"Who do you like?"


"I can tell killer... I'm not mad or anything if your worried"

"Uh... Um... It's... Uh... I..."

"Nightmare? Have you seen.... Oh"

"Error? What is it?"
'Oh ho? Killer likes error?'

"I found what I needed! I'm stealing him for a moment"

"Go right ahead"

Nightmare was snickering as killer was pulled away by error. Killer was blushing badly glaring at his boss laughing.... He noticed... Damn it all... They turned the corner and killer was into the wall with error leaning over.


'Oh god...'

"You like someone?"

"Y-yes? Is that a problem?"
'Too close!'



"Tell me now"


He gripped on error biting on him... Was error jealous? Why was he doing this in the first place? Killer gasp feeling error grip his soul backing away. He brought it to his mouth letting his tongues come out and wrap on it moving.

"Mm! Ahh~"

"Shhh.... You havnt answered"

"Ha, ha.... I-Its you damn it"

"Oh? Mm~"


Killer leaned up against the wall more enjoying what error was doing. His fingers digging into the wall panting looking away. He moaned errors name in a gasp feeling him stick in a finger in the soul while his tongues were on the still...

"Oh god! E-error! Your gonna get us!"

"Mmm~ hnm..."

"F-fuck! D-dont stuck! Oh g-god!"

He took a hand off one of his hands leaving the marks alone. The male covered his mouth see in error eyeing him lustfully. The glitch moved his full version in a faster scissor motion removing it from his mouth...

"Look at you~"

"Fwah! Mhmn! E-error!"

"Heh... Feels nice huh?"

"Sh-shut! Ahh~"

"Too loud kills"

Error went amiign out with killer still mess in with the males soul. Their tongues played with each other, error winning, with killer making noises tearing up a bit.... It felt too good to stop error...

Two people went passing by holding hands spotting them retreating behind the wall quickly. They both peaked over to make sure they saw what they did... They backed away talking quietly

"Horror... I... I didn't expect this"

"Same... But... Doesn't that mean the boss likes cross?"

"Oh my... Your right... Wait... Doesn't that mean lus- I mean violet is dating blue?"

"That's even weirder... But if we are together we can't say anything"

"Heh... True that"

The end

(Sorry for mistakes)

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