(Errormare/Insomnia-Angst) Fights

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Insomnia- Dream x error

"Why... Why.... I shouldnt have..."


Dream comforts his brother tearing a bit... Error and him had a bad fight again... Really bad... Nightmare didn't even mean anything he said... All that negativity just came out.... This negativity is one type he doesn't want....

—Flash back—


"Tch... What you want now?"

".... I-i don't want to argue... Just talk"

"Oh? So what? You can hit me again? Im sick of this nightmare! You said you wouldn't and still are!"

"R-ruru im-Dont nightmare! Just dont!"

"Error! Im trying to explain and apologize!"

The two were yelling at each other again... The gang looked in all worried faces staring at the couple... They always have to be... Error smacked nightmare opening a portal making them gasp... The boss holder it tearing up not expecting it

"Your such an asshole... Don't talk to me or come near me Nightmare... I think we need a brake apart"

"I..... Fine! Go then! Who want you anyways!?"

Night left away crying reverting back quickly. Error gripped his hands disappearing into his portal.... He shouldn't have hit him.... Makes him no better....

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! No, no, no, no! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

The gang listened to their boss crying our sadden badly..... Error is probably too.... Cross took out his phone calling Sunny Rose....

—Flashback end—

"Finally.... He passed out.... Oh brother... You really care for error huh?"

Dream sighs moving him back to his pillows sleeping with tears. He went giving nightmare positive dreams smiling still worried... What he gonna do... A portal opened making him glance quickly about to attack before seeing error.... He was crying too it seemed...

"What is it?"

"I'm just... Just making sure he do anything stupid again"

"Right..... Why not come sleep with him? May calm him and his negativity down"

"Ya.... I might..."

"Hey... Your skull is cracked"

"Nightmare did it"


"Ya... Can you see if you can heal it? Sunshine?"

'Oh god... That nickname....'
"I'll try... But I highly doubt it"

"Hmm..." Error cuddled into his hand "it's alright"

"Heh... You and my brother fit too well"
'Wish it was me though.... I won't ruin his happiness.....'


"Error... My brother loves you... He rather not hurt you at all"

"I know he does... He wouldn't beat him self over simple things he does to us or go to kill himself hurting me badly"

"Heh.... In happy I haven't found him dusted... Thank you"

"Of course.... I don't want that either"

"So..... What ya gonna do now?"

"Like I said... Apart for a bit.... Just to relax and collect ourselves.... Then talk hopefully, without fighting"

"I'm sure ya will.... Now go lay down and hold the real thing"
'I struck it a good size.... Maybe I can try again later'

"Sh-shut up"

Dream giggles as error left over putting his doll of nightmare on the size table. He went on the bed and night instantly clunged to him making error chuckle a bit holding him. Dream left out silently sighing...

'I wish..  I wish you realize.... That other people love you and can treat you better.... But.. You and night won't be..... He would go back disliking me....'


"Hm? Oh hey cross!"

'Too cute!'
"Uh, how did everything go?"

"Error and him are sleeping.... Try to be quiet okay? I got to head back"

"O-okay! Will do! See you Dreamy"

"Mhm! Bye cross!"

The end!

(Sorry for mistakes)

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