I watched it begin again

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This will be the last update until after Christmas so I can spend time with my family, I hope you understand. It may be 3 weeks until the next update.

Ellie's pov

I took Tom back to to the hostel and introduced him to Tom and Carol.

Tom D was polite but as soon as we were left alone the happy atmosphere disappeared and we were left with tension that could be cut with a knife.

"Thanks for helping out," I said kindly.

"I'm not here for you, I'm here to keep my reputation," He spat.

"I don't know why you're being so weird with me, you hurt me!" I exclaimed.


"You ripped my heart out, you cheated but as long as you look good, that's all that matters," I muttered.

"Get out of my face Ellie!" He shouted.

I didn't want any more drama so I walked off as instructed.

*Ring ring*


"Hello, it that Ellie Woods?" The voice asked.

"Yes it is, how can I help you?" I asked.

"I'm Margret from St Louis' hospital, your mother has just been admitted," She said.

"There must be some mistake," I protested.

"I'm sorry Miss Woods, there is no mistake, your Mum has cancer and its to advanced, there is nothing we can do," She said.

"Are you saying Mum is going to die?!" I asked, already knowing that this was the case.

"Regretfully, yes," The nurse said.

"Okay, I will be there tomorrow," I said.

"Okay, bye Miss Woods," She said.

Salty tears began to flow, I never use to be someone who cries a lot but recently I can't seem to help it.

I had to tell Carol, as much as I wanted to help them, my family was first priority.

"Carol, my Mum is really ill, in Paris and is dying I know its a little strange and sudden but I've got to fly out tonight, it might be my last chance," I sobbed.

"Oh, honey you go, do you need any money to get there?" She asked.

"Crap," I cursed, I didn't have enough money to get there.

I had to see Mum.

I needed to have a word with Tom.

"Tom, sorry but I'm not going to be here for the fund raiser, I'm going to Paris," I said.

"Ha, so you get to go on holiday whilst I slave away and you get the credit? I think not!" He said.

"It's not a holiday," I corrected.

"What is it then!" he spat.

"Mum has cancer, she is dying and I have to say goodbye," I said, oh here come the tears...

"Oh," He said bluntly.

"Bye," I said.

"Wait where are you going?" He questioned

"I have to get a job, I'm homeless and don't have any money to eat, let alone fly to Paris," I said.

"I'll pay," He offered.

"Why would you do that?" I asked.

"Because I hurt you and I have been a total idiot," He said.

"Is that an apology?" I asked

"It's as good as it gets," He said

"Okay well I accept your apology," I smiled.

"I'll come to Paris with you Ellie," He smiled back.

"You would do that?" I asked.

"Yes, I still love you Ellie and I hate seeing you upset," He said.

"Ditto," I smiled.

So me and Tom are in the airport, in 3 hours we will be on the way to France to say goodbye to my Mum, bestfriend and biggest fan.

These next few hours weren't going to be easy.

Hope you guys have a great Christmas and new year, see you next year guys love you lots.

Stay beautiful xx

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