Hell in the Hospital

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"Ellie,can you here me?" Tom's voice echoed through my ears as I was drifting in and out of consciousness.

I tried to respond but my mouth was dry and painful and I was using all my energy to stay awake.

Tom gave up on calling my name and picked me up gently and carried me over to the sofa  as it was more comfy than the floor.

Later on I noticed Tom was talking to someone so I guessed he was on the phone, I hoped it wasn't Emily, because right now I needed looking after, if Tom went home I don't know what I'd do.

"Thanks Doctor"  were the only words I heard him say.

Tom left the room so I closed my eyes and let the darkness take over me knowing I was safe.

I was all of a sudden back and was awake, I slowly peeled my eyes open and I saw that I was no longer at home.

I saw the figures of two figures in the un-familiar room with me.

One figure was slightly taller than the other and was rubbing circles into my hand they were holding.

My eyes started to focus as the taller figure let go of my hand and ran out of the room.

They came back a little later with another person who I could now recognize as a doctor.

The two figures were Tom and a girl who I didn't remember seeing before, but right now I probably wouldn't recognise my own father I was so concussed.

"Can you here me?" The doctor almost shouted.

"Yes I hit my head I didn't go deaf " I stated.

Tom giggled from the side of the room but the girl slapped him on the arm causing him to stop.

Who did she think she is? I'll have her know my joke was rather funny, she needs to get a sense of humour and leave Tom alone.

The doctor went over various procedures, testing my memory and I answered each correctly adding a sarcastic comment, making him roll his eye.

I was still not totally awake, I felt as if I was in a bubble and like I wasn't really there.

The doctor told me to rest my eyes and relax and I would feel better soon.

I started to fall asleep once again and as I closed my eyes I heard the door shut, I felt slightly uncomfortable knowing I was alone.

I woke up a while later and did the same routine as before but this time there was only one figure with me, Tom.

The doctor came and as I started to wake up properly I felt a sharp pain in my head and as my hand reached up to grab it the doctor swatted it away.

"Your head is bandaged tightly so it will be a little uncomfortable but you must not touch or remove it until it has served its purpose" The doctor said, like I was a little kid.

"A little uncomfortable you say? It feels like someone is stabbing me with a knife" I said bluntly. Get it?

"Yes well its not that bad" He said harshly.

"Do you want a stabbing pain in your head? it can be arranged " I snapped.

The doctor put his hands up in surrender and walked out whispering a "Good luck " to Tom.

"So how are you feeling?" Tom asked.

"Oh yeah, great I have cracked my head open but I'm fine now lets go run a marathon shall we?" I said sarcastically.

"I'm a diver, I don't run marathons," He said in a joking mannor.

I just glared at him before the girl returned and sat next to Tom.

She looked at me and shot me daggers before taking Tom's hand in hers and kissing him on his cheek.

"Can you go get me a drink babe?" She asked Tom.

"Sure Emily" He said before giving me the 'back in a second ' glance and left the room.

Emily just looked at me and I tried to ignore her but I felt her eyes buring into the side of my head.

I turned to face her and she walked over to me.

"Look, I don't know who you think you are, but I'm Tom's girlfriend and you are no one to him!" She spat.

"Tom is just a friend, he's been looking after me," I said .

"Yeah well if I had anything to do with it you wouldn't even be that " She said nastily.

"oooh I'm scared" I said putting on a childs voice.

"You should be because think about it Ellie, you're the one in hospital and I can make your stay here a lot longer if you want " She said.

"Look me and Tom are friends not that you would know what those are, who would want to be your friend?" I said patronisingly.

"For your information Ellie Woods, EVERYONE wants to be my friend, I mean who wouldn't, I'm rich, pretty, talented and popular, basically everything your not" She said, whispering the last part as Tom walked back into the room.

A single salty tear slipped down my face and Tom noticed and rushed over to me.

"Are you okay?" He asked, wiping away the tears with his thumb.

"I ... " 

"Her head hurts" Emily butted in. 

"I'm watching you" Emily mumbled to me before putting her arm around Tom and leading him out of the room.

"See you next week Ellie, I have training until then" Tom said and slammed the door behind him.

I was left, alone, in a hospital with a severe head injury and a broken heart.


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