More than friends ?

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Woah Over night I got over 1000 more reads so we have hit 2000 and nearly 3000 ! Thanks for all the lovely comments and thanks for voting. I may make this story just available to my fans though so no one could steal it so make sure you fan. My twitter is @horan_gang so follow me and I always post the next chapter on there too ! Lets see whats going on in the world of Ellie and Tom ...

Ellie's pov

Tom looked deep into my eyes and I looked at his. I was fixated my his gaze.

He slowly lent in before his lips came crashing onto mine.

I had never felt like this before, my head was spinning and my stomach was doing summer salts. I smiled into the kiss and he did the same.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and his arms found their way to my waist.

He eventually pulled away to catch his breath and he had a massive smile on his face.

I looked at the ground in embarrassment to hid my blushing cheeks.

He lifted my chin up so I was looking him in the eye once again.

"What about your girlfriend ? " I asked, still scared of Emily.

"Ex girlfriend " He said with a cheeky grin before leaning in again.

We eventually stopped kissing and we headded back to my house.

"Night Tom" I said before heading to my room.

"Night Ellie" He said before walking down the hall to the guest room

That night I couldn't really sleep I just kept thinking about Tom.

I knew I liked him as more than a friend but did he feel the same ?

Or did he just kiss me because it was a spur of the moment thing ?

Deep inside I kinda hope he does like me.

I must of eventually nodded off because I awoke to the smell of breakfast cooking.

I wandered downstairs to find Tom in the kitchen once again.

He was cooking pancakes yummy.

"Morning" He mumbled with a mouthful of pancake.

"Morning" I repeated.

"What you up to today ? " Tom asked.

"Nothing really" I said

"Good" Tom said smiling slightly

"Why good ? " I asked

"Because you are coming training with me " He stated.

"But isn't this like your final practise before the olympics" I asked

"Yep thats why I want you there" He said.

"Urm okay" I said sounding a little unsure.

I ran upstairs to get ready

"Bring your bikini" He shouted after me

"Ok I will bring my swimming costume" I said.

"I said Bikini " He said cheekily.

"I won't bring anything in a minute" I said

"That is even better" He said

"Tom ! " I said in a disgusted tone but I heard him laughing, he had such banter.

I was finally ready and me and Tom walked outside hand in hand.

We got into his BMW and drove to the training pool in town.

I got changed in the locker rooms before making my way out onto the side of the pool.

Tom was waiting on the other side and when he saw me he wolf whistled.

I giggled and looked at Tom who was just in a speedo .

"Like what you see ? " Tom asked snapping me out of my gaze.

I blushed knowing I had been caught checking him out.

"Right then follow me " He said whilst walking up the steps to the 10m diving board.

We got to the top and I looked down, it was very high up !

"Right I'm going to teach you how to dive" Tom said.

"Urm I'm scared" I said blushing again.

"Well the worst bit is jumping the first time so just jump like you are jumping into a normal pool" Tom said, trying to make me feel a little more confident.

I stood at the end on the diving board looking down to the icy pool below.

I was frozen to the spot.

Tom walked over and took hold of my hand.

"I will jump with you babe" Tom said reassuringly.

"1....2....3" I said before Tom and I plunged off the diving board into the pool below.

I came up out of the water and Tom looked annoyed.

"I couldn't find you under the water, I wanted to do something" He said.

"What ? " I asked.

Before he could reply I had been pulled under and Tom pulled me towards him and pressed his lips on mine.

Here come the fireworks I thought.

We came back up to the surface and Tom simply said "That" before pecking my lips again quickly.

"I'm going to practise babe you do some lengths or something" He said before climbing the steps again.

He stood at the top and ran up and jumped off and whilst in the air he shouted "I LOVE YOU ELLIE" before splashing into the pool.

I just giggled not taking it seriously.

He swam over to me and said " Ellie I think I'm falling for you" .

"I really like you Tom" I said surprised by my own confidence.

Tom rested his forhead against mine, then our noses touched then our lips.

This time the kiss was more passionate and made my head spin more than ever before.

Just then someone cleared their throat.

We turned around to see Tom's coach or to put it another way, my Dad !

Remember to fan me ! vote if you like it and comment if you want me to carry on x

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