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Sorry its been a few days since the last update I have been really busy with school ect.

Ellie's pov.

As Tom walked in for the second time the atmosphere was completely different.

"Sorry" Tom said sounding guilty.

I just looked at him, sorry wasn't good enough.

"Ok" I said blankly.

"I know you don't want to get back with me straight away but I really miss you being around Ellie" Tom said sadly.

"Ok" I said again, hoping my plan would work.

"Can we be mates again?" He asked.

"No" I state hoping he asked to be more than friends.

"Oh ok" He said before turning around.

"Do I have to do everything around here?!" I sighed "Tom we should give it another go" I said.

Tom didn't say anything so I began to feel nervous, was he rejecting me?

I thought he wanted me back.

"Tom?" I questioned.

"Sorry urm yeah I'd like that" He said as a huge grin spread across his face.

He stepped forward before hugging he tight, I was overjoyed that he was back in my life.

I wasn't about to let the cheating slip though, he had to make it up to me and he knew it.

 I decided that me and Tom should tell Mum, Casey and Layla before me and the girls go out today.

Hand in hand, we went downstairs and when we reached the closed living room door I took a deep breath before entering.

"Hey" I said.

They turned around to face us.

"Aww you guys are so cute, glad you made up" Casey said.

Layla just sat there looking at Tom hehe fangirl much?

Mum just simled before saying "Have a nice day out girls, Tom look after my baby".

I smiled, Mum accepted him which made me love him even more!

"Shopping" I cried before the girls and I ran to put our shoes on.

Tom followed us with a smile still on his face, he looked adorable!

"Hang on guys, I need to put some makeup on" I exclaimed before running upstairs.

I opened my room and walked quickly over to my dressing table.

I opened the mirrored drawer which was in the seat of the stool. (A/N I have one of those! I am the proud owner of a drawer seat Tw fans will get it!)

Out of the drawer I pulled out my hairbrush and started gently combing through my hair, it was still a little wavy as it was in its natural state so I pulled it back into a ponytail leaving my fringe.

I then opened another drawer and got out a foundation and concealer before quickly applying it.

I then powdered my face and took my mascara and started to apply it with a shakey hand.

Just then someone tapped my shoulder making me jump.

The mascara went all over my eyelid, I turned around to see Tom laughing.

"Tom!" I groaned.

"Sorry babe, I was just checking you weren't putting too much on, you know I like your makeup natural," Tom said sweetly.

"Nice try" I said before grabing a cotton bud and getting rid of the mascara on my eye.

Tom left the room and I quickly applied a fresh coat of pink lipstick before grabbing my bag and running out of the door.

Tom and the girls were waiting for me, as I got there Tom's arm found its way around my waist.

The girls aww'd and we set off down the road to the shops.

After around 5 minutes of walking I saw a girl stood on the corner of the street looking towards us.

"Oh there she is" Layla said happily.

"Luna!" Casey cried before running to her.

Tom looked at me and mouthed "Who is she?" 

I just shrugged my shoulders as a sort of "I don't know" Gesture.

"Ellie, Luna, Luna Ellie" Casey said introducing us.

Luna had long blonde hair with a slight wave and amazing hazel eyes that sparkled in the sunlight.

She looked about our age and seemed to be good friends with Casey and Layla already so I'm sure we will get on fine.

We carried on walking to the shops laughing and talking between us all generally having a nice time.

As we approached the shops I saw several vans and news reporters, to make it worse I knew exactly who they were there for.

Me and Tom.

Authors note ...

Hope you guys like this chapter please vote and fan I'm having a comp to fan 5 people so to win comment below why you want me to fan you/ comment enter me and I will pick 5 at random. Before people say like I think I have loads of fans ect I don't think I do nor do I consider myself wattpad famous because I'm not. I just find this to be the fairest way to choose people to fan back as people have asked. Also a big shoutout to Greyson_1D you should check out her stories! If you would like me to read any of your stories dedicate them to me so I can see them or post a link on my message board.

Stay beautiful xx

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