Haters gonna hate

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Hey guys thank you so much for all your support, fans, votes and comments. It means so much to me because its making me believe in myself. I have several new fan fictions I have a Justin Bieber one called as long as you love me, a Harry styles on called fun in the sun and I also have a one direction one called Crystal ball which also has a sequel called world direction so if you have time please give  one of them a go. 

Tom's pov.

Here I was, the Olympics 2012 and I was in the final with Pete.

I couldn't believe I did it, achieved my dream and I knew that my Dad was watching down on me and supporting me every dive at a time.

I saw Ellie talking to a girl, a little younger than us and Ellie blushed as she walked away, how strange.

I had to get ready for the first dive so I left and went into the hot tub as instructed.

When  me and Pete were prepared we walked up onto the diving board.

I took several deep breaths and looked at Ellie who smiled, there was my distraction.

Pete counted down from three and we jumped.

The whole time I was thinking about Ellie and that seemed to make the nerves fly away.


I glided through the water, up to the surface and I saw that the crowd were cheering/

My the third dive we were 1st and going strong our next dive was the most difficult so I needed to focus.

I took a deep breath and pushed off from the board, Pete followed.

I landed in the water and Pete landed significantly later.

The  crowd was silent as we went from 1st to 5th.

The rest of the competition we couldn't get back into the top 3 medal places.

The final ended and me and Pete were in 4th, the worst place you could get as you were only one place away from getting a medal.

I was gutted and I knew all of Britain would be too.

I ran back to the changing rooms and locked my cubical door.

I slid down it and leant against the door.

"I'm sorry Dad" I whispered.

I deep down knew he would be proud of me for getting this far but I knew that I could of done better.

In diving one miss dive and thats it especially at this standard.

I eventually composed myself and wiped the stray tears that had fallen.

I dried off and got changed into my jeans and a blue Top along with some hightops.

I left the changing rooms to find the aquatics center was almost empty just some coaches and a few members of the public left.

I saw Ellie as she saw me and she started to walk over.

She didn't say anything she just hugged me tight and I smiled a little.

"I've let everyone down" I said as a tear slid down my cheek.

"Hey, don't cry Tom, you did really well ! " She said sounding truthful.

"Lets get you home" She continued before taking my hand in hers and leading me out of the center.

We arrived back at Ellie's house and she lead me over to the sofa.

"Pick a film and I will cook you some dinner" She said kindly.

"Its okay, I'll cook" I offered.

"No, you relax" She insisted and dissapearing into the kitchen.

I  switched on the tv but there was nothing on so I decided to go on twitter.

I opened up my mentions to see I had mostly support well all support except one.

(A/N You know who sent him hate so I don't need to say his name and I don't think he deserves to be mentioned after what he has done.)

'You have let your Dad down' the tweet read. 

I couldn't take this, I threw my laptop onto the floor and it smashed.

Ellie's pov.

I went into the kitchen and decided to make pizza, Toms favourite.

I was busy making the base when I heard a bang from the living room.

I ran in to see Tom's laptop smashed up on the floor and Tom was crying on the sofa.

"Come here" I said huging Tom.

He continued to cry.

"Whats up ?" I asked.

"This one guy, sending me hate, saying my Dad wouldn't be proud" Tom cried.

"Your Dad would be extremely proud, you're 18 and have dived in the olmypics and came 4th !" I exclaimed.

"But I didn't get a medal" He said sadly.

"No but you still have your individuals" I said encouragingly.

"Suppose" He said.

"Don't give up Tom, this is only the beginning" I said.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, please  rate and fan. Comment if you want me to continue x

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