You are such a cheat

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Ellie's pov.

I stepped out of the car, Tom's hand firmly in mine for safety as lots of paparazzi clicked away at their cameras hoping to get a good picture.

Me, being immature, decided I should have a joke with the media so I pulled the most unattractive  face I could as the cameras flashed away.

A few people were asking questions about myself and Tom's relationship, he were public but it was still strange, the other day I read an article about me and Tom getting married.

Some of these rumours were a little too far out especially for our age, allegedly, Tom had been captured looking at rings in a jewelers window which was stupid.

I'd looked at these pictures and Tom was at the shopping centre, it was the day we went together and it was the same place he bought my promise ring from.

I suddenly had a funny idea, me and Tom always thought of ways to wind up the press and I'd just thought of one that would make me beat on in our little competition.

Gently and discretely I pulled my promise ring off my middle finger and places it on the ring finger of my left hand.

My second task would be for it to be noticed my the photographers, then the rumours will start and the press will think they have an 'exclusive' when actually it will be the very same ring they pictured a week ago.

I smiled as Tom took my hand in his again as we approched the door to the hall, my nerves were fluttering about everywhere.

What if all the other girls looked better than me?

What if Tom found someone else?

What if?

We walked in, hand in hand, and the party was in full swing.

It was dark inside so my worries about my appearance slowly faded away as the night flew by.

Me and Tom were dancing, crazily but I began to feel tired so I decided to sit the next song out.

"I'm gonna sit this one out babe, have some fun!" I shouted over the loud music, as I walked over to an unoccupied chair at the side of the dance floor.

I saw Tom looked around and when his eyes caught mine he looked a little dissapointed? no, he couldn't of.

He was drunk, very drunk, I mean we had been here for like 2 hours now so it was understandable.

He carried on dancing like a mad man whilst I went to get us some drinks.

I ordered a redbull for myself and a water for Tom, we needed to sober up a little.

I walked back and glanced over to Tom, expecting to see him dancing but I didn't.

Tom was stood with his arms around some other girl, she was wearing an incredibly short skirt, more like a belt.

I'm turning into my Dad, but anyway, he must of liked it because he had his tounge down her throat.

How could he  do this to me?

I knew tonight was a bad idea, I knew it!

I couldn't  hold it in anymore, the tears freely flew down my face, making black stains down my face from my mascara.

My eye makeup was all smudged too but I was too upset to care, Tom obviously wanted to come to see the other girls.

No wonder he was adament we were coming tonight.

I pulled the promise ring off my finger and thew it on the floor before proceeding to the door of the club.

The door flug open as I pushed it, quickly, I walked back down the red carpet, past all of the photographers who began taking pictures.

I didn't care, I hope Tom sees them and is happy with what he has done.

I realised there was no car to take me home. (A/N1d fans can fangirl with me)

Walking it is then, I thought as I began the long treck home.

I was nearly home and my feet were killing me, stilletos are not the beest hiking shoes I'll be the first to admit.

Finally I reached my front door, as I let out a sigh of relief I realised that I was home alone, perfect.

I came out here to have a break and I think its time my break ended.

Tears were still falling thick and fast but I managed to stop and tell myself that Tom wasn't worth it.

I was lying to myself, Tom was worth everything to me but I had to somehow forget that.

I grabbed my suitcase and threw all my clothes, makeup and precious belongings inside before zipping it up.

I grabbed a spare piece of paper and wrote a quick note to Luna as we shared a house and she would wonder where I was.

She had strict instructions not to tell Tom where I had gone and that I would explain why, later.

I picked up my passport from the side, slipped on my jeans, a hoodie and my ugg boots before walking outside.

After locking the door I walked down the driveway, taking in as much scenery as I could.

It would be the last time I would be here for a while, I thought.

Not getting any votes anymore :( if I don't get enough on this chapter I will simply stop writing 

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