The day after the night before

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(Link to the song in the bar thing over there ------------------------------->

Ellie's pov 

'Your hand fits in mine like it's make just for me

but bare this in mind it was meant to be

and I'm joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks

and it all makes sense to me.

I know you've never loved the crinkles by your eyes

when you smile you never loved

your stomach or your thighs

the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine

but I'll love them endlessly

I won't let these little things slip out of my mouth

but if I do, it's you

they add up to.

oh, I'm in love with you

and all these little things'

I woke up to someone singingm Tom.

I noticed that I wasn't in the club or my house anymore yet it wasn't a hospital.

I sat bolt up right to see Tom sat at the bottom of my bed.

"Babe!" He exclaimed when he saw me.

He ran over to hug me but I couldn't get over what he was singing.

"Tom, was that you singing?" I questioned, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah," He said shyly.

"It was great, but how come you know all the lines, that song was only suppose to released today!" I said.

"Yeah, Niall and the boys performed but you were passed out in the back room," Tom said sadly.

"Oh," I replied, really upset that I missed my favourite band perform.

"They sent you these," He said handing me 6 red roses.

"But there is 5 of them?" I questioned.

"Yeah but Niall was a little tipsy and agreed I was the new sixth member," He winked.

"Tom, why do I have 11 roses?" I asked.

"You'll see," He replied with yet another cheeky wink.

"Where are we?" I asked, changing the subject.

"This is where I have been staying in secret," Tom smiled.

"Tom?" I questioned.

"Yes baby?" He also asked.

"Did you even go back to England?" I asked.

"Nope," He said popping the 'p'

"Sneaky!" I giggled.

I finally got up from the bed and realised that I was only wearing my underwear.

"Tom!" I shouted.

Tom smugly walked into the room and looked at me, I immediately covered myself up.

"What happened to my clothes?" I questioned.

"Well I couldn't fit you in the bed with your dress!" Tom exclaimed.

"Where is my dress?" I asked, starting to panic.

"I've put it in the wardrobe," Tom smiled.

I looked around to see a pile of Tom's clothes folded up on the floor.

Tom saw me looking and smiling.

"My clothes wouldn't fit either!" He exclaimed, making me crack up.

"No funny!" He pouted.

"It is," I winked.

"Go get me some clothes!" I ordered.

"Where from?" He asked, clearly clueless.

"Go to the market, get me some jeans and a plain white top," I instructed.

"Okay, what size are you?" He asked.

"Do you not know what size your girlfriend is?" I questioned.

"Urm... I was joking with you!" He said unconvincingly.

"Get me some shoes too! uggs please," I smiled as he got up and left the room.

I looked out of the convinently placed window to see Tom outside, walking towards the market.

I smiled at how cute he looked, swinging his arms with a huge grin on his face.

"I'm back babe," Tom smiled, handing me a bag full of clothes.

"Thank you," I said, placing a delicate kiss on his cheek.

"What was that!" Tom questioned.

"A kiss?" I questioned more than replied.

"No babe, this is a kiss," He said, before smashing his lips onto mine as he wrapped his arms aroung my waist.

My hands found their place around his neck as I felt him smile into the kiss before pulling away.

"I'm so lucky to have you," Tom smiled.

I kissed his lips delicately once again before walking into the other room to get changed.

I slipped on the jeans and top before looking at my reflection, they were huge!

"Tom!" I shouted.

He walked into the room and literally 'rolfld' yes he rolled on the floor laughing, at me.

"Not funny." I pouted.

"Sorry," Tom said guiltily.

"It's okay." I smiled at his failed attempt.

"I guess you won't be wearing anything," He said.

I shot him a warning glance and he quickly corrected himself.

"you're not wearing them," he smiled.

*ring ring*

"Hey luna, can you drop some clothes off at Tom's for me?" I questioned.

"Sure babe, are you feeling okay now?" She asked.

"Yes honey," I smiled.

"OK, see you in a bit," She said happily.

"Thank you luna," I said, taking the clothes from her.

She handed me yet another rose, I had 12 now.2

"How many roses do you have now?" She asked.

"12," I replied.

"Still a few more left to go until..." She trailed off.

So the weirdness continues...

 Remeber the new fanfic will be up when I hit 150 fans x

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