Testing our relationship

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Sorry its been a while but I haven't been well (again) but I'm back updating every 3-4 days because of school. Ellie's sister will be revealed in the next part and at the end of this part there will be another comp. Yay!

Ellie's pov.

"Mum" I called as I entered the house.

"In my bedroom," Mum called back in response.

I wondered up the stairs and turned left down the corridor and opened my Mum's door.

"Where is Tom," She asked sounding annoyed by the lack of his presence

"That's what I want to know," I said agreeing with my Mum's angry attitude.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"We went shopping and parted to look around properly as its our last chance beofore we go back home, we agreed to meet 2 hours later and he never showed up," I said sadly.

"Ellie, I know you love him but he is no good for you, he is always letting you down and I'm not sure he is the type to stay with one girl," Mum said honestly.

"I can't leave him, I spend a matter of weeks away from him and it was like a part of me was missing, I don't know if he is the one but I know we have something special," I said; not really sure why I was sticking up for Tom.

"I think he is Mr right now, Ellie, you are only going to get hurt more and more," Mum replied harshly.

"Yeah, we'll see," I said, determined to prove her wrong.

I was in one of those moods where you didn't know what to do with yourself, I guess I was anxious about Tom.

Maybe a little worried but the majority of my feelings towards him was anger.

The thing with Mum's house is we have a creaky gate so you can hear when someone is walking up the driveway.

The gate creaked and I automatically knew who it was, Tom.

"What do I do?" I asked Mum.

"Don't let him in!" She insisted.

I knew she was tired of the drama between us but I knew he was worth all these ups and downs, he was just having a tough and stressful time with the olympics, right?

Why am I making up excuses for him?

Tom walked through the door and hugged be like nothing was wrong.

"Hey baby, did you have a good time shopping?" He asked in a calm tone.

"Don't baby me!" I snapped.

"Woah are you okay?  what happened?" He asked.

"What happened? you left me alone for over an hour!" I shouted.

"Sorry" He responded, showing no sign of remorse.

"Sorry? sorry? you left me alone in a busy shopping centre for an hour wondering if you were hurt or were taken by someone and you're sorry?" I screamed.

"Yeah" Tom said quietly.

"Get out!" I exclaimed; pointing to the door.

Tom turned on his heel and stepped out of the door.

Just before he left he turned to face me, "I love you Ellie Woods" He said before closing the door.

I was left, standing looking at where Tom had been stood, maybe Mum was right.

I was sick of the drama and heartbreak Tom had brought into my life, did we have any happy memories together ?

I now only had 2 days left in Paris but I think today really showed me that there was nothing left for me in England.

I was going to move to Paris!

Tom's pov.

I walked back down Ellie's drive way, why was she so mad? 

If she would of let me speak she would of got the ring and we would be happy but no she has to shout at me for no reason.

I'd hoped that being a little late wouldn't matter as it showed I had spent time picking it out so it was perfect for her but obviously that wasn't good enough for Ellie.

Was I good enough for Ellie?

For the first time I'm actually questioning our relationship, or what's left of it.

I always tried my best for her, I was the real me and if she doesn't like that then good for her, she isn't the one.

But deep down I do think she is the one.

AGH why is love so confusing?

Hope you like this chapter, also what ring do you think he has got ? wedding ring? keyring? let me know. The new comp is to be the main character of my next Tom Daley fanfiction, don't worry this one is going to carry on for a long time but I will be starting a new one in around November time so I need to start planning it.

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