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Morning world, today I'm finally getting into the party mood, kinda'.

Layla and Casey are picking me up in an hour and we are meeting Luna at this dress shop in town.

As I'm still not able to give away the theme so I you will have to guess, all I can say it that its not my normal look.

Tom called last night to say sorry, I wasn't angry at him, he had to get back but he also says there is some big news about  my Dad.

Tom said he needed to clarify that it was true before telling me so he is calling me later on today.

He did say that its nothing bad and my Dad is fine, its simply a mistake? 

Whatever that might mean.

I got dressed quickly and brushed through my knotty hair.

Once I had combed out all of the tangles I looked presentable.

The doorbell went and I ran downstairs and opened the wooden door, Layla and Casey were stood outside wearing girly summer dresses.

"Looking very colourful," Layla mocked, refering to my black outfit.

"Hey, this is my style," I defended.

"You look amazing Ellie, can I have your legs?" Casey asked.

"Well I kinda need them," I laughed.

"Darn it," Casey replied dramatically making us all crack up laughing once again.

"So whats the plan today?" I asked.

"We are going to go into town and spend lots of our BOYFRIENDS money," Layla said with empathise on Boyfriend.

"Wait, boyfriend, who?" I shrieked.

"His name is Kieran," She said excitedly.

"What is he like? is he fit? how old is he? where does he live? how did you meet?" Casey rushed.

"Okay lets take this s-l-o-w-l-y, he is amazing, yes it is fit, he is 19, he lives half an hour away, we met at school" Layla explained.

"Aww" I cooed.

"Anyways....SHOPPING TIME,"  Casey said happily as she skipped out of the door.

We had decided to walk into town so we could chat a little and also discuss what dresses we were thinking about.

"I really want something  that is my style and comfy," I stated, showing my lack of fashion taste.

"I need a tight fitting dress but not too short as they don't suit my short figure," Casey said.

"I need a flowing dress because I'm always up for trying something new," She admitted.

"I think I need help," I giggled.

"You think?!" Layla sarcastically said.

"OKay, I know" I corrected.

We got to the shop and walked inside to be overwhelemed by beautiful dresses, long, short, pink, purple and every other colour you could possibly imagine.

"I'm in heaven!" Casey signed dramatically.

"Me too!" Layla agreed.

"I'm in hell," I said, knowing I would have no idea what to try on.

"Shall we wait for Luna?" Casey asked.

"I will ring her and ask her how long she will be," I said whilst pulling out my phone.

Going for Gold (Tom Daley Fanfic) - editingDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora