Authors note (please read it's about a potential sequel)

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Hiya guys, long time no talk I know, but I'm not a 12/13 year old with bad writing skills anymore, so I will be editing this story because I read through it and died laughing at how bad my writing was back then. Make sure you re-read it when I've finished editing it in a few weeks.

So the reason I've done this 'chapter' if you can call it that, is because I've recently been getting lots of messages about doing a sequel or another Tom story because it's been about two years since this one ended. Would you guys want me to have another go at doing a sequel or Tom story (for those wondering, yes I deleted both the sequel and operation Tom Daley). My whole deal with not wanting to do anymore stories involving Tom is that because he has recently come out as gay (so happy for him by the way) I don't want to be seen as disrespecting that by making a sequel to this story which would obviously involve Ellie.

Let me know your opinions either in the comments or tweet me @lukes_bandana 

I'm also back on wattpad with a new five seconds of summer fanfic so be sure to check that out after reading this, any requests for other fanfics just message me.

Stay beautiful - Beth :*

Going for Gold (Tom Daley Fanfic) - editingWhere stories live. Discover now