Goodbye Mum, hello future

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   Ellie's point of view

Today went by in a blur, and emotional blur. 

Ever since Mum appeared in my dream last night, my memory kept flicking back to random memories we'd shared in the past.

Like the time we went shopping and spent three hours looking for the car, before realising we'd walked that day.

Or the time we baked fairy cakes, and waited for them to cook, before Mum discovered she hadn't turned the oven on.

Completely random memories, yet some how these we making me feel so happy.

We cleared out the house today, most of the stuff I saved for when me and Tom find out own place, but the other stuff was taken to the charity shop.

The house is now on the market, I though about us living here, but I think there are too many memories, and it's time to move on.

Tomorrow, me and Tom fly back home, after Mum's funeral that is and then the day after we are going house hunting.

Christmas is fast approaching now, we have 5 days remaining, I'd love to have our own house in time for Christmas.

Me and Tom both decided that we didn't want to get married for a few years yet, but being engaged with enough commitment for our age.

Plus, with me turning nineteen, I want to go partying next year, and not think about wedding dresses and having kids.

We don't want to rush things.

Tonight me and Tom are getting an early night, in the morning we have to say goodbye to Mum, and I know it's going to be a tough day.


I awoke this morning to a blue sky, not a cloud in sight.

Mum planned this, she knew that a day like this would make everyone a little happier about the situation.

Tom stirred beside me, and as soon as he was awake, we went about the task of getting ready.

Now the house was empty, we were sleeping on the floor but it was still relatively comfy, I suppose.

I slipped on my black dress with cut out detailing at the hips and top put on his black suit.

Carefully, I did Tom's tie for him before applying dark eyeshadow to my eyelids.

For a tiny pop of colour, I added a red lipstick, Mum's signature look, this was a tribute to her.

I left my hair down, red and wavy as it was how Mum liked it.

Once we were ready, the black car picked us up and escorted us to the chapel.

Throughout the whole cememony, I didn't shed a tear, no one did.

Mum's life was celebrated by all and kind words were shared about her kind gestures.

Funny stories about her childhood told by her cousin.

I spoke about how much of an inspiration she was to me and Tom also said how much of an honour it was to of known her.

The funeral ended and Mum was burried deep under ground. 

This did upset me a little, but I reminded myself that the pain was now over for her and that I had to carry on with life, it's what Mum would of wanted for me.

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