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4000 reads omg thank you so much for reading ! I was scared this wouldn't be as good as some of the other Tom Daley fanfics out there but you guys seem to like it. Remember to fan because I may make this only available to fans and I don't want you to miss out ! Anyway 2 parts in a day like a boss although by the time I post this it may be tomorrow cos its 11:20 already will give you a time update at the end cos I'm weird like that. Lets get back to Tom and Ellie's date ...

Tom's pov

I stood at the bottom of the staircase, patiently waiting for Ellie to appear from her room.

She had been getting ready for hours and I just hope I'm worth it.

I would be happy if Ellie wore a tracksuit because she could make that look amazing.

There was something about her, she was so different to most girls.

I heard a door close from above and my eyes darted to the top of the stairs.

Standing there was Ellie, In a pink dress.

She looked amazing I stood there, mouth open in a state of shock.

Ellie's pov

His gaze was fixed on me and I began to feel very self confident but I remembered the 3 things I like about myself.

My eyes, flawless skin and hair.

I kept going over these things in my head before looking up from the ground.

Tom still had his mouth open.

"Close your mouth, you'll catch flies" You said.

"You look like a girl" Tom said.

"Well duh, that was kinda the point" I said in a mocking tone.

"No I meant like you never dress like this" He said.

"Well I tried to look nice" I said.

"Oooh are you trying to impress someone" Tom mocked.

I stuck my tounge out at him.

"Cute" He giggled before I walked down the stairs to join him.

He gave me a hug and we walked out the door hand in hand.

The journey was spent with us casually chatting about random things which some how meant so much  to me.

We got out of the car and I saw we had arrived at a small pub down a country lane.

He opened the pub door for me like a true gent and the waitress recognised Tom.

"Oh my goodness you are Tom Daley, good luck for the olmypics and omg is that your girlfriend ? you are such a cute couple" She said.

"Actually we are just friends" Tom said.

My heart sank a little but I smiled trying to cover it up.

I was feeling a little underdressed looking at all the womens expensive, floor length gowns then their was my £30 high street short dress.

"I kinda lied about tonight" Tom stated.

"Huh ? " You said.

"This is an olympics party and all the athletes bring their girlfriends"  Tom said making me smile.

"But I have told everyone we are just friends" Tom said, as my smile turned to a frown.

I felt tears begin to prick up in the corner of my eyes.

"I'm gonna go" I said before running outside.

Tom just stood there not knowing what to do as I ran outside.

I found a bench and I sat there for a while before letting all my emotions out and I cried my heart out.

He said he was falling in love with me, he took me on a date yet we are 'just friends'

He kissed me and looked after me when I was ill.

He broke up with his girlfriend for me and he took me shopping.

Yet we are just friends ? 

A woman walked over to me and sat beside me.

"Are you okay hun?" She asked wiping a tear from my face.

I shook my head.

"Boy trouble ? " She asked.

I nodded.

"Well tell me about it and I will try and help you out" She said kindly.

I don't know why I did it but I told her everything.

"Sounds to me like a boy who can't make up his mind" She said.

"Maybe" I said.

"But he must be stupid because you are a gorgeous girl and he should be head over heels for you" She said.

"I think we are just destined to be friends" I said sadly.

"Or he knocked all his common sense away when he fell head over heels for you" She said.

This woman was funny, we sat there giggling for a while before a worried looking Tom rushed out.

Calm washed over his face when he saw me and started to walk over.

"Good luck" Said the woman before walking away.

Hope you like this chapter, thanks again for the tweets,votes,fans and reads. If you want to ask me anything then comment your questions about the story or about me.

Please vote and fan. Comment if you want me to continue and follow me on twitter as I tweet every time I post another chapter @horan_gang. x

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