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Firstly I want to thank you for 100,000 reads! this is madness, I'm a 13 year old girl who writes stories in her bedroom. I owe you guys so much, seriously thank you so so so much.

Ellie's pov

I woke up, cold and confused about my surroudings, the bland grey walls and withered furniture.

As my eyes ajusted to the blinding light I realised I was in the hostel.

Carol had been kind enough to lend me her room for the night which was very generous.

Once I was fully awake I stubled out of bed, putting my snow white slippers on my cold feet.

Lightly, I tapped on the door of the neighbouring room, Tom's.

From inside I heard a faint sniffle  so I slowly turned the handle and walked inside.

I saw Carol curled into a ball on Tom's bed, crying.

"Carol, are you okay?" I questioned.

"Yes, don't you worry about me honey," She smiled weakly.

"Tell me!" I demanded.

"Well, the hostel doesn't have enough funding, so-" She broke down crying once again, in mid sentence.

She took a deep breath.

"So they're shutting it down," She managed to croak out before collapsing into a heap and began sobbing.

I delicately rubbed circles in her back in an attempt to calm her.

"You won't be kicked out, I'll make sure of that," I said before walking into my room.

I opened up my handbag and pulled out my phone, found his number and pressed the dial button.


"Hey, it's Ellie," I said

"Ellie! I wondered what had happened to you, it's like you dissapeared of the face of the earth," He said.

"Yeah well you did cheat on me with some bimbo!" I exclamied.

"I was drunk!" He shouted.

"I was deluded," I muttered.

"Look did you want anything or did you just want to shout at me?" He asked.

"I wanted an apology but also a favour," I said.

"You want a favour from me after you've had a go at me!" he said.

"Don't worry, it's not for me, its for a friend." I admitted.

"I'm not helping anyone to do with you!" He spat.

"It's a charity and if you don't I will go to the papers and tell everyone about how you cheated on me, clean cut, innocent Tom Daley will be no more!" I threatened.

"Fine!" He shouted.

"Apple tree youth hostel, Leeds, be here tomorrow otherwise I go to the papers!" I spat before hanging up.

He has changed so much by the sounds of it.

I bet he has another girl, hmm I wonder if he misses me? 


I walked back into Tom's room to find Carol and Tom talking.

"I've got a solution!" I said.

"Explain!" Tom said.

"I'm Ellie Woods, olympic diver Tom Daley's ex girlfriend and some how I've got him to help us. We are going to have a charity fundraiser!" I exclaim.

"You Ellie are something else, why would you do this for us?" Tom questioned.

"Because you looked after me and without you I'd proably be dead on the street so I owe you." I said.

"Thank you so much angel!" Carol said whilst hugging me tightly.

Now all I have to do is find some other things to do to raise money.

I pull out my phone once again to find Niall Horan's number from One Direction.

I tapped out a brief text explaining my situation and how I  needed his help.

Also I decided to ring Nathan from The Wanted, I'd gotten his number from Tom.

"Hey Nath, its Ellie,"

"Oh hey babe," He said.

"I've emailed you about this charity event that I'd like you to attend, can you read it and get back to me?" I asked.

"Sure thing babe, see you in a bit, bye!" He said before hanging up.

I decided to try and get a job, afterall I would be living here and going to uni (if I could afford it).

"I'm popping out for a while, see you later!" I said to Tom as I walked outside.

"See ya Ellie," Tom shouted.

I walked outside into the street, the sun was just rising as it was 9am on a cold November morning.

There were a few options close to the hostel, a bank, a supermarket or a clothes shop.

I decided the clothes shop would be the best bet for me.

Confidently, I marched in and walked up to the till.

"Are you hiring staff?" I asked.

"Yes we are, fill this in and send it back," She smiled, handing me a form.

"Thank you," I said before walking back outside.

I rested on a bench and took a pen from my bag and filled it in.

Name: Ellie Louise Woods.


Qualifications: A level in Art and design and Gcse in Art, Spanish and bussiness studies.

Hobbies: Reading and writing.

Hopes for the future: To become a fashion designer and to go to Leeds university.

Place of Birth: Manchester

I then folded it up and returned it to the shop.

"Thank you, I'll hand it to the boss can you pop back later on today?" She asked.

"Sure thing," I replied, walking out of the store.

"There you are, a young lad told me you'd be here," His familiar voice said.

Hope you like it, please can I get 160 fans, 10 votes and 8 comments on this chapter? Thanks again for the support. Stay beautiful xx

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