We went for gold

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So...here it is guys, the last chapter. I am literally holding in the tears because I know after you've read this most of you will leave my page and never read my material again, which is heartbreaking. So before you do, I'd like to say how much I love every one of you, each and every comment, follow and vote has really pushed me to update and want to please you all with my updates. I will be doing a sequel so if you'd like to see that remember to stay following me, I will start following back too so yeah. Love you all and enjoy the last chapter *wipes away tears*

Ellie's pov

"Are you sure we have everything?" Dad asked happily.

"Yes Dad," I groaned, he had asked me this question at least 10 times already, this morning.

I will explain what the preparations are for, today is the annual New Years eve party for all the aquatics Olympics team, my Dad is the coach. This year is also the year that Dad is retiring, meaning we are throwing the most extravagant party to date. 


"I'm ready!" I shouted from upstairs, waiting for Tom and Dad to be ready for my 'grand' entrance.

"Come down sweetheart," Dad yelled back, I could easily tell he was smiling.

Carefully, due to my ridiculously high stilettos, I walked down the stairs like they were my own private catwalk. Loving the attention, I milked this a bit and stuck some over the top duck faces at Tom, who instantly cracked up laughing. Dad stood there shaking him head, obviously not in with the joke.

I made it to the bottom of the stairs without landing on my face, with was a definite bonus. Once I was stood next to Tom, his arm protectively around my waist. 

The loud knock at the door indicated that Tom's manager was here to pick him up. He had an interview and I was going to wait backstage, plus the makeup artists were going to get me ready for the party while the interview was taking place. Tom had also had a mystery dress sent over there for my to get changed into. 

Currently, I was wearing dark denim skinny jeans, my stilettos for the added hight I was in desperate need of and a plain white tank top. As usual my hair was in a pony tail, in an attempt to hide the amount of blonde re-growth in my hair as it had been such a long time since I dyed it. 

Tom opened the door to reveal the driver dressed in a black suit and tie. 

"Your car is ready Mr Daley," He spoke in a strong Austrailian accent which made me immediately think of the Janoskians. Jai Brooks is my celebrity crush, don't tell Tom, or Ariana Grande for that matter!

Tom helped me down the steps of our house so I didn't trip and into the back of the black BMW. As I gazed out of the window I noticed the car had blacked out windows, meaning there would be paparazzi wherever we were going. Perfect.

The car journey was going to be three hours long, meaning the debate about radio station was about to begin once again. Tom pressed various buttons until music began blaring out of the surround sound speakers, rather loudly too! His choice of radio station was 'on/fm' which played music such as Dubstep which I guess was better than One Direction.

'Bangarang' by Skrillex was playing, Tom was headbanging, much to the annoyance of Dad who certainly didn't appreciate this type of music. I'd had enough of Tom's music, so I requested the driver turned onto 'palm tree' which played pop punk. (A/N who remembers palm tree from a previous chapter, if you do, Beth points to you)

Palm tree were currently playing 'Camisado' by Panic! at the disco, one of my favourite songs. Tom glared at me, obviously not appreciating the God that is Brendon Urie. Dad nodded his head at the music, Tom sank back into his seat with defeat.

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