The real me

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Happy halloween guys to those who celebrate it... if you don't hope you're having a nice day. I'm aware I've got some new readers so hey, welcome to the family ahaha, also thanks for the lovely tweets and inbox's if thats a word? it is now I've just made it so look out for it in the dictionary ;). Sorry got a little carried away, I've had too many sweets so I'm hyper. Only wrote this part and I've had to go and answer the door twice already... I can see this update will take a while to write haha. Enjoy.

Ellie's pov

Once I got dressed into some clothes that actually fit and I grabbed some food I began to feel a little better.

The light headedness had subsided greatly I was ready to face the day, but today wasn't just any day.

It was halloween. (31st Of October)

Yes my Birthday is the 30th October and I love it!  

Me and Tom had been invited to a local halloween party in the neighbouring town which was exciting.

At the moment we have to enjoy everyday together as soon Tom will have to go back home.

By that I mean actually go on a plane, not hide in a hotel room for a week.

Tom knew as well as I did that our time together was precious and that we should make the most of it.

He just didn't want to admit it in fear of upsetting me.

I don't think I'll get upset about it as I'm use to my Dad not being around because of diving or aquatics if I want to sound posh.

Its part of Tom's job therefore as his girlfriend its my duty to support him.

 Just the same as pop stars girlfriend's they have to be away from their loved ones for months at a time.

"So what shall we do today?" Tom questioned cheerfully.

"Well I need a halloween costume babe," I smiled.

"Oh same here apparently you can't go as yourself," Tom sulked.

"You could, you're pretty scary," I winked.

Tom looked away from me dramatically

"I'm hurt," He joked.

"Didums," I mocked.

Tom stuck out his bottom lip in an 'attempt' to look cute and innocent.

"Don't try and look innocent, I know the real you, Daley," I said; knowing he hates being called his last name.

"Well you don't need a mask Woods," Tom said, using my last name.

"Using my joke on me? * cough* lame *cough*" I giggled.

"*Cough* at least I'm famous *cough*" He copied my gesture yet again.

"Yeah I'd love to have hundreds of girls glaring at my body every day of the week," I said, proving a point.

"1. It's thousands of girls, 2. I get Sundays off," He winked.

"Well I don't know why they all look at your body," I said, looking repulsed.

"Hey its not that bad," He said, looking genuinely upset.

"Sorry babe I didn't mean it,"  I said, feeling guilty.

"Got you!" He shouted whilst pecking my lips.

"Right!" I shouted whilst running after him.

"Pillow fight!" Tom yelped

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