Are we meant to be?

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Thanks for all the reads and votes! Remeber I have a comp going on the autors note so make sure you enter. Enjoy this chapter.

Ellie's pov.

I lead Tom to my room and closed the door behind us, I was unusally nervous and I sensed that Tom was too.

Tom sat on my bed whilst I settled on sitting on my old brown chair with a comfy cushion conviniently placed.

"So" I said, breaking the silence that had over come us.

"I need to explain" Tom said.

"Yeah, you do" I said bluntly, I was still upset that he cheated and I wanted answeres and closure with us.

"Let me just say firstly I didn't cheat on you Ellie, you know I would never do that" Tom said looking sad.

"I don't know anything anymore" I said truthfully, I was a reck and it was all his fault.

"The girl was team mate Amy, all I did was hug her after she had dived as it was amazing and the other girl was Tara. Tara is Amy's diving partner and I kissed her on the cheek, a completely innocent, kind gesture" Tom stated.

"I don't want to, but some how I actually believe you" I said, slightly annoyed at myself for this.

"You should believe me because its the truth!" He exclaimed.

"Hey, don't shout at me, I'm the victim here" I said, feeling like bursting into tears.

"Me?! you are the one who jetted off to the other side of the world in a tantrum!" He screamed.

"France is hardly the other side of the world!" I shouted.

"Poor little Ellie, it must be hard being you, not going to work and getting your Daddy to buy you everything under the sun" He said patronisingly.

"Urm I tried to get a job and YOU were the one who stopped me" I screamed.

"Yeah because I'm not having you make money off your looks and body!" He shouted back.

"I did modeling before I even met you and I enjoyed it but you are saying ever since I met you I can't?" I asked/ shouted.

"Thats exactly what I'm saying" He shouted.

"You don't own me Tom" I exclaimed.

"No I know that but  I am THE Tom Daley and my girlfriend can't be showing off her body to people" He said.

"Says the one who walks around in a speedo" I muttered.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing" I said in a high tone.

"Good" He spat.

"We are over" I said before pushing him out of the door.

I heard him sob a little before walking down the stairs.

I slid down the wooden door and sat on my carpet with my head in my hands.

I had messed up again but some how I knew that this was the right thing to do.

Tom didn't seem to care about me, he only cared about his reputation yet he is the one saying its his job as my 'boyfriend' to care for me.

I heard Mum talking to someone who I presumed was Tom downstairs, eventually I decided he wasn't worth all this and I needed to see Casey and Layla.

I grabbed my laptop case from under my bed and slid out my computer.

I then quickly logged on before finding my facebook tab and waiting for it to load.

Once it had I checked my messages who were mainly from friends asking about Tom and my 'dissapearance'.

Then I quickly responded to a few people and checked my interactions.

They were mainly Farmville, (what else?) and also a few people had commented on a picture I posted of me and Tom.

I decided the first step to getting Tom out of my life was to delete all know evidence that we were all together.

*delete* I pressed on the picture and before I knew it, it was gone and that was a part of him also gone which was good.

The one remaining thing to do was to delete him as a friend as he was NO friend of mine, no matter what he says.

With one simple press he was gone from my online life, I wished blocking him out of my everyday life would be as simple.

I quickly messaged Layla and Casey asking them to come round to cheer me up a little.

I waited for a reply and soon enough Casey replied saying that they would come round in an hour and they had someone they would like me to meet.

I hope they aren't up to their match making ways already!

I decided to pass the time by doing a follow spree on twitter and doing a #askEllie since I had over 300,000 followers it trended straight away.

Most questions were about Tom but there were a few about me and my life in general.

The time passed quickly and soon enough there was a knock at the door, I was about to answer it when I heard Layla shouting.

Tom must still be there, I thought.

The shouting went on for a while, it was nice to know I finally had friends that would stick up for me but I felt bad for Tom.

"Tom" I shouted.

There was a knock at my door, I took a deep breath before opening it and inviting Tom in once again.

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