Boxing day the Daley way

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My alarm clock awoke me at 6am this morning, although I was not exactly overjoyed to be up at this hour, it was however for a good cause. Today, Dad, Tom and I are heading to Plymouth to celebrate Boxing day with the extended Daley family. I've met Mrs Daley many times before and we'e gotten on like a house on fire, but Tom's Brother's are a different matter. The day of the Olympics final, I was introduced to Will and Ben, they didn't exactly seem keen on me. I guess today they will be the same, it was eating away at me inside, if they didn't like me there was no way they would accept me into their family as Tom's wife. However, I kept my niggling to the back of my mind, and did not alert Tom, this would only agitate him and I'm certain he would not be grateful for that on a day like today.

Tom explained to me, a while ago, that the Christmas period is extremely difficult for the Daley family, after the loss of his beloved  Father. Although he has stated this, I am determined to make this Christmas special for the Daley family, and to kick things off, I'm going to cook a glorious meal for the extent of the family.

"Tom," I cooed, shaking the sleeping lad.

"Go away," Tom snapped, still in a sleeping state.

"Wake up," I sang happily.

"No," Tom dragged, reluctant to remove himself from the bed and embrace the day.

"Tom, we are going to your Mothers house for lunch, get up," I snapped, loosing my composure.

I waltzed over to Tom's wardrobe and picked him out some clothes, I smiled to myself, seeing the shirt and jeans he was wearing the day we met. Blinking; I was bought back to reality, quickly, I threw some clothes onto the bed where Tom was still sleeping, snoring quietly. I sighed, leaving the room, slamming the door shut in an attempt to wake up Tom. 

As I was prepared for today, my clothes and makeup was in the car, so I could travel in my comfy clothes. Being Tom's girlfriend, now fiancé I am use to long car journeys to various events and interviews. I always dressed up in short, tight dresses and mile high stilettos, ignore the slight exaggeration there. But I've learnt that as long as you look good when you arrive, for the paparazzi to snap your picture, the journey doesn't matter. Today, however, I plan on getting read when we arrive at Tom's house. You see, there is now a certain amount of pressure from the media after I became known in the public eye. Everyday, I get tweets, emails and letters from girls saying I'm their role model, that I'm normal, classy and most of all myself.

So today I've decided to prove something to those girls. Beauty is skin deep and that is my message I want to portray to girls worldwide. My way to do this, is from now on, when I apear outside with Tom, I will wear no makeup, my hair will be up and natural, and I will wear jeans and a t-shirt. 

I was knocked out of my thoughts by Tom, who was walking down the creaky stairs. 

"You look nice babe," Tom smiled.

"I have no makeup on," I stated.

"Exactly," He smiled, walking into the kitchen.

Finally, we were fed and ready to leave, Dad had spent the night in our spare room and was happy enough. I rounded up the boys, overnight bags in hand, and we piled into my brand new mini cooper. The red paint shone from the distance, and the feeling that this was now mine gave me a warm feeling inside my stomach. Tom flicked on the radio and Conor Maynard blasted through the speakers. My Dad's face was priceless.

"What is this rubbish?" He questioned, obviously clueless.

"It's Conor Maynard," Tom stated.

"Who is that clown?" Dad laughed.

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