Going for Gold (Tom Daley Fanfic)

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*Warning this was written by 12 year old fangirl Beth, who at 17 now cringes at this but can't bare to delete it*  This fanfic will contain bad jokes and terrible music taste. Twelve year old Beth also seemed to love under age drinking in this chapter, and/or simply didn't know the legal drinking age, but I can't change it or it will affect the whole story. However, Seventeen year old Beth does not condone under age drinking, it is very bad!

"Happy New year " Everyone shouted as everyone grabbed someone nearby for their new years kiss. 2012 was here, and this year was going to be huge! (Hopefully). This was the year of the London Olympics of all things and also the year of my 18th Birthday, which in my opinion is slightly less exciting.

This year was also going to be huge for my Dad too, who was the coach for the English diving team, which is a very sought after position, which the family is very proud of. But in my eyes this meant one thing, and one thing only...Boys! But I suppose national pride should be in there too, blah blah blah, if you were surrounded by men in their physical prime you'd brag about it too! Don't you judge me.

 As my Dad was the coach, it was his job to organise the New Years eve party (he couldn't quite handle the pressure of cooking Christmas dinner for around 50 guests which holding the Christmas Party would entail). Dad being the cheap skate he is, decided it would be perfect to have the party at our house...good one Dad.

All the English swimmers and divers were invited, so I knew it would be a party to remember, if this was for good or bad reasons was still to be determined. But hey, a party is a party, and I was going to make this one count. I have a good feeling about this.

I'm not exactly the most popular chocolate in the box, I'd say I was the coconut one in a box of quality street that no one but Grandma ate, and even then she could only manage one or her false teeth would fall out. I'm not exactly sporty either, I prefer reading or shopping, which would be the reason the only friends I have are on tumblr, but that's besides the point.

Midnight passed and no one was sober, this meant that the party was about to begin, or so everyone kept slurring as they danced around the garden singing to Lady Gaga while holding onto another drunk member of the olympic aquatics team. 

As time ticked by people started to leave, and as they did the atmosphere died down a little, and so did the volume. But to be quite honest, I was too tipsy and giggly to care at that point. I'd had limited experience of parties throughout my teenage years, so I was making the most of this one, even though it was my Dad's work party. Which seems more lame with that last bit added on.

The remaining people sat down and watched a film, divers know how to party hard. However, they were all too drunk and were singing loudly to the background music which was only making my head pound more, so I reluctantly called it a day and jogged upstairs to my comfy bedroom to try and sleep off my pending hangover.

I was just about to drift off in my warm, comfy bed, when there was a light knock at my door. I groaned internally at the possibility of having to get out of bed and into the cold.

"Mmm" I mumbled, sleepily.

The door opened and a boy not much older than me walked in, or rather stumbled, due to him being heavily intoxicated. 

"Great party " He slurred.

I giggled nervously and he walked over to me, his muscular arms outstretched.

He leant forward to give me a hug, but his leg gave way and he fell onto the carpeted floor beneath us, I sat back, trying to hold in my laughter due to my own drunk mindstate, in which I found anything funny. But my overly kind and maternal sober nature eventually kicked in.

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