The Island

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Ellie's pov

Tom kept swimming, that's all he did.

While I on the other hand let tiredness defeat me, I may of been swimming still, but my determination had gone.

Annie meant a lot to me and I wanted to make sure she was okay, but I guess my own fear had took over.

Tom was no where to be seen now, neither can Annie, I just hope Tom got to her in time. Water surrounds me, no land can be seen by the human eye.

Plus it's getting dark, I know that if I don't find land soon, I will die.

The smell of the salty water is getting overpowering now, after hour of bobbing up and down in the sea, hopelessly, my skin is rough and resembles my Grandmothers skin.

My eyes are feeling heavy and I'm dozing off to sleep, but every time a wave crashes over me, I'm bought back to reality.

Where is Tom?

 That was the only question, repeating itself over and over in my brain.

He may of been acting strange recently, mysterious and secretive, but he is still the Tom I love.

But now I'm starting to actually wonder what I'm doing with him.

All we seem to do is argue or make each other cry.

Am I staying with him for security and companionship, or love and friendship.

Being out here, alone with my thoughts, is liberating really.

I mean it's like when you go to bed at night, your brain thinks of all types of thing with no purpose or significance to you, yet it seems like the most important thing in the world.

Like what is the meaning of life?

Is there someone perfect out there for me?

Why did I not ask that boy out in year 9?

Pointless, yet important at the same time.

The golden sun was now setting behind the horizon and my chances of staying alive were thinning, the same as my energy levels.

I decided to lie on my back to give my arms a rest. Now in a star position, I gazed into the sky, red for all to see.

Red sky at night, shepherds delight.

This gave me hope, strenght that Annie and Tom were okay.

Even if I wasn't.

A while passed, I can't be sure of the specific time because I don't have a watch or phone on me.

The sky is a pale blue colour and the stars are shining brightly. I'm still in the star position, this seems to of given me more energy, and some how, hope.

A few hours ago, I was considering just drowning myself, because I didn't have hope

. But the red sky, it means something to me, it's a sign.

Once I'd conjured up the strength, I returned to the swimming position and kicked my legs as hard as I could.

My hands were doing the breath stroke motion and my eyes were constantly darting around to see if I could spot Annie or Tom.

Land would be good too but there is nothing around here, nothing apart from water.

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