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Ellie's pov.

As soon as I saw the news reporters knew something was up and it wasn't just about me and Tom.

As we approached them they all swarmed round me and I began to feel dizzy.

Tom stood behind me, gripping my waist supporting me from falling.

"Ellie, how do you feel about your Dad?" One reporter asked.

"My Dad?, he is great and did a great job at the olmypics he is a wonderful man" I replied, slightly confuzed about the intrest they had about my Dad.

"Has the acident effected him?" Another asked.

I froze, what acident were they talking about?

"What acident?" I asked, getting really worried by this point.

They all just looks at me, their eyes full of guilt, what weren't they telling me?

I turned back to Tom who also had a confused look on his face, I guess he didn't know anything about this either.

"Tom?" I questioned.

"I have no idea what they are talking about babe" Tom replied, sounding truthful yet hurt.

The girls just stood with a shocked, mornful look on their face.

"You?" I asked them

"No honey" Casey responded.

Layla shook her head and Luna simply shurgged her shoulders.

The media soon left leaving me in a delicate mood.

"You go shopping girls, I'm gonna head home, don't feel like shopping anymore" I replied honestly before turning to walk away.

"Ok" The girls shouted before walking in the opposite direction.

"I've got to get a few things whilst I'm out here so I will see you later" Tom stated before he to walked off.

I walked home slowly taking in what I had just heard.

If Dad had been in an acident I would of been informed right?

The press knew where I was now so it wouldn't be hard to contact me, I had my phone and they knew Mum's details from when Dad and her were together.

Did the press make this up to get me on the front page? to make me look bad?

Was this revenge for Tom? or was this a warning that something was about to happen?

I decided to stop over thinking things and talk to Mum first before doing anything hasty.

Even though Dad and Mum rarely spoke I know that if Dad was hurt Mum would of flew over there with me because she is a very kind and caring person.

As I walked the streets random memories of my childhood flashed into my mind.

When my Dad would take me to the little cafe to buy my ice cream in the summer time.

When he would pull me on a sledge up the hill when it was snowing.

How he would take me trick or treating on halloween.

On valentines day he would take me to the chocolate shop and buy me a heart lollipop with my name in white icing.

How on christmas he would always life me up to put the fairy on the tree.

If Dad was hurt or worse I don't know what I would do, he meant everything to me.

When I finally reached home Mum was on the phone in deep conversation.

I waved at her to let her know I was back but she still remained in the conversation, her facial expression was blank.

The only words she said was yes, ok and thankyou before hanging up.

She sat there motionless, staring into space.

"Mum?" I asked

No reply.

She was thinking about something, deep in thought I saw a tear fall down her pale face.

Something was up and I needed to find out what.

Hope you like this chapter, sorry its short. Please comment and vote. I would love to know which of my stories you like not including this one so I know which ones to update more frequently. Follow @horan_gang on twitter for updates and ask me questions on my is HoranGang, I will answer all questions. Thanks for reading, stay beautiful x

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