Do the right thing

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40,000  reads! wow thank you so much also Happy Birthday to my amazing Mum who probably won't be reading this but still ... The comp ended today and the winner will be revealed in the next chapter which will be up tomorrow or Friday.

Ellie's pov.

I sat down and thought long and hard about what I should do, if Dad was hurt I would never forgive myself if I wasn't there for him.

Mum seemed upset too meaning that what ever it was must of been serious due to the fact my parents are not on speaking terms since the divorce.

I've also consulted Tom who thinks its a media rumour and that my Dad is fine otherwise we would of both been contacted, Dad being Tom's coach and all.

Mum won't tell us whats the matter which is making me even more worried, was it that bad?

Casey said that I should try and contact him before jumping to conclusions which I supose is sensible.

Luna said as she didn't know us very well  she would have the best advice and it would be honest, she said I should go home.

Layla said I should just carry on my normal life until I go back to England and sort what ever it is then.

Everyone had a different suggestion which was making the desision even harder but eventually I decided which plan I was to follow up.

Tom stayed up with me last night as I was too worried to sleep, thinking about what terrible things may of happened to my poor father.

He did his best to comfort me but I knew it hurt Tom too, after Rob died my Dad was like Tom's second Dad and I knew that if he lost him as well he would be torn apart.

This may sound bad but I was more worried about Tom than Dad, you see my Dad is tough and has survived car crashed, fights and illness where as Tom has already lost his father figure and if he lost another it would destroy him.

The main topic of conversation that kept being bought up was what would happen when we got home and Tom would have to go back to Plymouth to be with his friends and family to celebrate the medal.

Tom said I could go with him and stay for a while but I had never met his family and I was scared they wouldn't accept me after all the bad press we have had as a couple lately.

If Tom's Mum didn't like me we would be over for good, and I know I wouldn't be able to cope with that.

A few weeks away from Tom and I was dying to have him in my arms again but if he did go to Plymouth then I would live in London and  we would have a long distance relationship, my worst nightmare.

Morning soon came and I was exhausted due to the lack of sleep I had.

Tom had drifted off hours ago and I knew he would be alseep for some time so I decided to go and grab some breakfast.

I ran upstairs and into my room to start the long proccess of getting ready.

I Threw on a 'panic at the disco' shirt  along with my white and navy striped skinny jeans.

for makeup I did a classic red lipstick with a clear gloss and a soft brown smokey eye with heavy mascara for eyes.

I left my hair natural and just brushed it before adding a clear topcoat onto my nails and grabbing my new bag.

I put on my black Dr Martens before running out of the door, keys in hand.

I hopped in Tom's car and drove for a while until I found a knock off starbucks.

I walked inside and found a table near the window.

The menu looked amazing so it was hard to choose my meal but I decided on a cheese and bacon toastie and a cappuccino.

I tapped away at my blackberry as I waited for them to cook my food, my drink arrived so I lightly sipped at that.

The front page of the newspaper was about The Wanted cracking America thankfully so me and Tom were safe, today, I was also glad for The wanted lads, I'd met Nathan when Tom pranked me.

The lads sempt very down to earth but I was a directioner too and I'm pretty sure their fans are at war.

To make things worse Bieber isn't that bad either so its like I like all of 1d's 'rivals'

My toastie came and I took a bite, it was amazing, french food was the best.

After I had pretty much inhaled the food I decided to head back to Tom, he must be awake by now.

The stroll was amazing but I was slightly upset that in under a week I would have to leave as the summer holiday would be over and I would be starting university.

I'd already asked Mum if I could study over here, she agreee but I was certain Dad wouldn't.

Besides Tom would be on the other side of the world to me, its not like a british diver can just move over to another country is it?

I reached home to find Tom still wasn't awake so I decided to go ahead and book my ticket back home.

I really didn't want to do this, I wanted

to get closer to Luna as we had only just met, I also didn't want to leave Layla and Casey.

They were the best and only friends I had ever had, I once said goodbye to them and now I have to do it all over again.

The tickets are booked for 4 days time meaning I had 4 days to make some memories and I knew what I wanted to do first.

Have the passionate kiss in the rain in front of the Eiffel tower.

If you didn't know by now I'm a hopeless romantic and this has been on my 'bucket list' if you will, since I was little.

Growing up in Paris you saw these kinds of things all the time.

Now the tickets were done I decided to start packing up my things so it would be easier to enjoy myself not worrying about the packing.

I thought many times about leaving my passport here so we missed our flight but in the end England is where I live, even if I belong in Paris.

Hope you like this chapter please vote and fan me. Comment if you want me to continue thanks for all the support, stay beautiful x

Forgot to say that I will be dedicating each chapter to a fan so if you want the next part to be dedicated to you fan me and comment below dedicate me! or something along the lines of that .

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