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Sorry about the lack of updates recently but I'm ill and off school. I'm trying to get as much rest as I can so I can go back as I hate being off school. Thank you for all your support and comments it really makes me want to update more.

Ellie's pov

As the plane began to roll down the run way I gazed out of my window.

"Bye bye Paris," I mumbled against the tears.

The flight was not going to be very long 4 hours at most but yet somehow I knew it would last forever.

I'm not one to try to hold on to memories but my time spent in Paris really has been the best time of my life.

I've made new friends and met up with old ones, I have my boyfriend who was amazing and I saw my dedicated Mother.

What do I have when I get back to England?


I would be going to university, miles away from Dad and have to make new friends.

I was going to be the 'new girl' again.

I was knocked out of my thoughts by a middle aged lady going up and down the isle with a  food cart.

"Would you like anything dear?" She asked politely.

My Boyfriend back

"I'll just have a water please," I said as we exchanged money for my drink.

"Thank you," I smiled as she moved on to the next person.

I glanced at the clock located at the front of the plane, it was 2am.

At around 11pm I'd stormed out of the party so it's not bad going that I'm here already.

Even though I won't get back till gone 5am, I will be home and that is all that matters.

I thought about how I could pass the time but no thoughts came to mind so instead I shut my blind and closed my heavy eyes.

Hoping that when I opened my eyes Tom would be by my side and all of this would off been a horriffic nightmare.

It wasn't, I awoke to the sound of the stewardess' telling us to secure out seat belts for landing.

Tom wasn't by my side and I was now around 10 minutes from Manchester air port.

A few seconds later the plane was bounding up and down the run way, I was back in England!

As the plane drew to a halt everyone got up and  picked up their carry on bags from the overhead lockers.

Once I had collected mine I walked down the steps of the plane, outside into the cold winter air.

It was technically the 1st of November now as it was 5:30Am so the winter was deffinately here.

I walked towards the terminal to collect my suitcase when I noticed some black vans with blacked out windows parked illegally.

I recognised these immediately, they were papperazzi.

Breath Ellie, breathe, I kept telling myself, the media were always there to get a bad picture of me when I'm down and make a story blaming me for something.

Not this time, I'd never answered their questions before but now I guess I had to if I wanted everyone to see Tom for who he really is.

A cheat.

I grabbed my suitcase from what I can only describe as a 'spinny thing' and started to walk out of the airport.

"Ellie, over here," Several voices shouted from ahead.

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