Lies upon Lies

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Writing this whilst watching the diving so if there is any spelling mistakes its because I'm fangirling too much over Tom hehe. Thankyou for all the comments, votes, fans and tweets about this story I'm very grateful. Wanna hit 2000 reads after this is posted so that will be when the next part it posted.

I waited and waited for Tom but he never came.

I decided that he must not care about me, I was just about to ring Tom when my phone vibrated.

I had a message:

Hahaha poor icle Ellie why do you always rely on others?

Tom's pov

Ellie told me that she would be fine alone as she felt better but I was still slightly worried so I decided that I would pop in at tea time just to check on her.

For the rest of today I was sadly going shopping with my 'girlfriend', Emily.

She is a lovely person but I prefer to choose my girlfriend and not have one forced on my but we get on well so I had no reason to object.

Emily had been acting weird all day and she kept asking about Ellie.

I told her what had happened and how it was my fault but she didn't seem convinced .

"It was not your faul babe" She said.

She knew how much I hated it when she called me babe it was like she was trying to annoy me.

"It was my fault I was chasing her" I said

"Aren't you a little old to be playing kiss chase? especially because you have a girlfriend who is much prettier " She said oozing confidence.

"Your not prettier" I muttered under my breath

"What was that?" She asked, faking a sweet tone.

"I said yeah" I said but I wasn't sounding convinced and I knew it.

We sat down at a table in Nandos and ordered food .

"I'm just going to get drinks " I said before walking off.

I got the drinks and as I was walking back I saw Emily doing something on my phone, whilst an evil grin played on her lips.

"There you go" I said, placing the drinks down

Emily jumped and put my phone back on the table.

Our food shortly arrived and we ate in silence .

We finished and I was quick to leave phone in hand .

I got to my car, alone and I  decided to see what the real Emily was like, I clicked on my messages .

It was from Ellie, she was nearly passed out ? she needed me!

That must of been what Emily was looking at, but why didn't she tell me? 

I saw that 'I' had already replied to Ellie's text so I went onto my sent box.

'Hahaha poor icle Ellie why do you always rely on others?'

Emily had texted Ellie back!

I suddenly felt really really mad with Emily, who did she think she was?

I turned the engine of my car on and drove as fast as I could over to Ellie's house.

I knocked on the wooden door.

No reply.

I started to feel panicked so I rang Emily to see how she would react.

She acted concearned and said she would be straight round .

She arrived shortly after and  we eventually got in through and open window.

I ran up to Ellie's room to find her passed out on the floor, I checked her pulse and there was one so she was just passed out thank goodness.

I told Emily to stay with Ellie whilst I went to get some smelling salts to wake her.

I came back and asked Emily to put the smelling salts under Ellie's nose.

She did, reluctantly.

I asked if I could borrow her phone to ring an ambulence as my phone was 'dead'.

she eventually agreed

I of course had rang an ambulence a on my phone a few seconds before but I wanted to check Emily's phone .

I opened up the messages folder to find several messages from several boys.

'can you come out tonight ? I miss you babe why are you with him ?

'Babe you looked so pretty on our date'

'I love you'

The replies some what hurt more.

'Yeah I can come out tonight I miss you too and because he is famous ! I will get more friends and will make a fortune .Just you wait until  he proposes I will be rich !'

'Thanks I always try to look nice for you Tom isn't worth it'

'I love you more' 

She was cheating on me !

Dun dun DUN ! hehe hope you liked this chapter please comment vote and fan the next part is up at 2000 reads x

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