Halloween horror

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Sorry its been a while since I last updated, I have been really really busy and have not had internet.

Ellie's pov.

So after we got back from paintballing myself and Tom were in a  mad rush to get a halloween costume together.

The party was a big deal and there would be reporters, famous people and most of all other girls!

The worst part to me was the other girls, I've never been confident in my own skin as it is.

Add beautiful, flawless models into the mix and I'm a nervous wreck.

In my mind Tom is way too good for me so I'm always wary of people that are good enough for him, or in my eyes.

I've never really confronted Tom about my fear because I know we would say something along the lines of "I love you not them," or "Don't compare yourself," 

But when all the other girls are perfect barbie dolls and compared to them I'm an ogre.

I know I'm being extreme but I've been bullied and called all the names under the sun; it gets to you after a while.

We are heading to the costume store to pick out costumes, I've no idea what I'm going to be.

I know that I will do some scary makeup so I look nothing like myself, but my only concearn is that all the girls will do the whole 'halloween; an excuse to dress as a slut' thing.

Maybe I should dress a little daring?

That isn't me at all but I want to fit in.

I wonder what Tom thinks I should do.

I know what Tom would say!

Hmmm, what to do...

We arrived at the shop and stepped inside.

"Hello," the shopkeeper greeted.

"Hey!" I responded whilst making my way to the girls section to pick a costume.

Most of them were way too revealing for my liking but I found one that was a little more covered.

It was a red riding hood dress, a white top with a red skirt at the bottom.

There was a lace up detail in the centre too (picture at the side).

It was still quite short so I wasn't convinced that I should wear it.

Just then Tom walked over looking at me, wide eyed.

"Wow," He complemented.

"I'm not too sure!" I admitted.

"Babe, its perfect," He grinned.

"I think its too short!" I snapped; not wanting to wear it.

"Its not babe its perfect," He insisted.

"Fine," I gave in, knowing Tom would argue all night to get his way.

Tom had picked a fat suit, blow up type...thing.

It looks like a suit and he also added a skull mask and gloves.

When I first saw him I burst out laughing, Tom wasn't amused.

"You are going to look a pair!" The driver said as she showed off our costumes.

I was still a little nervous about mine, but no time for that as it was already going dark.

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