New house, new life!

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Ellie's pov.

Me and Tom decided that we need to gather some essentials for our new home, although we already had mum's old furniture, it would bring back memories of her.

Not that I don't want to remember her, it's just that if I have a constant reminder of her, it may be harder for me to move on.

Tom and I got into his car and headed for a small boutique, just out of town.

"What theme should we go for?" I questioned.

"I'd say go for modern, yet comfy," Tom stated.

"Oh, I wanted cosy and welcoming," I admitted.

"A bit of both?" Tom compromised.

"Deal," We shook hands quickly, before Tom's hands returned to the wheel.

We arrived shortly after our conversation, and as we stepped outside the car, excitement hit me.

I officially feel like a grown up, moving into my own house with my future husband, perfect.

Tom protectively took my hand as we walked up to the automatic doors.

Immediately, the smell of perfume hit our nose as we entered the expensive store.

My eyes darted over to the home wear section, which was on the far right hand side of the shop.

I literally dragged Tom over to the home wear, and when we arrived at the section, me eyes bulged out of their sockets.

Firstly, we picked out a bed spread, it was a beautiful navy blue floral pattern, with vines intertwining together elegantly.

Tom picked out some navy curtains to match, and we placed them in the trolley, before moving to the next section.

Next, we came across the bathroom section, but as the house is new, a bathroom is already installed, so we picked out several comical towels.

Tom picked out a superman one, he is such a big kid, where as I picked out a One Direction one, to humor our guests.

With some new plates, cutlery and pans added to our trolley, we headed to the check out area.

"Hello," The cashier smiled politely

"Hiya," I grinned.

She quickly scanned our items and placed them in black and white striped card bags.

We left the store, new belongings in hand as we went to find Tom's car.

Once we reached the car, our dilemma became apparent.

Tom's mini was not going to fit everything in.

"What are we going to do?" I giggled.

"It will fit, so nothing!" Tom urged.

"Whatever you say," Not convinced, I replied.

"You open the boot and put as many bags in as you can," Tom ordered.

The boot popped open and I crammed around ten bags full into the boot, which was only capable of holding around seven bags.

We still had another nine bags remaining and the boot was now full, plus the back seat of the car still had our suitcases from the airport rested on them.

"What now?" I asked.

Tom paused for a while before answering, pondering what we should do.

"Just get it all in, worry about it later," Tom smiled.

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