Happy Birthday Ellie

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Layla's pov.

"Morning," I whispered as Casey opened her front door.

"Morning hun," She replied whilst walking out of the door.

We walked down the road and crossed the road, we are currently on route to Luna and Ellie's house for Ellie's 'Birthday wake up.'

We always use to do this sort of thing when we were little, we would all creep into 'z' person's bedroom (sounds like we are stalkers, we're not) and when they wake up we would give them their presents and they could spend all day with their best friends.

I always use to look forward to my Birthdays for that reason.

The party was at 9pm tonight, it was around 7am now but we had a fun day of pampering in store for Ellie first.

Casey lightly tapped on the door, soon enough Luna let us in and lead us to Ellie's room.

She was still fast asleep cuddling up with her bear Tom got her, she loves him so much, we can all see it.

Luna ran into the room holding a cake, lit with 18 candles, the cake was the shape of a handbag which Casey designed for her.

"1-2-3" Luna counted.

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Ellie, Happy Birthday to you!" We sang in unison as Ellie opened her eyes and sat up in her bed to blow out the candles.

"Omg girls, you remembered our tradition!" Ellie exclaimed; surprised by our gesture, if only she knew what the rest of the day held.

"Yeah, I thought it would be cool to do this for your 18th" I said happily.

"Its really kind of you, and this cake! its beautiful, so detailed and looks yummy!" Ellie said eyeing up the cake whilst licking her lips.

"Right get up, you have 15 minutes," Casey ordered.

"What?! why?" Ellie asked.

"We have a surprise for you, now get up!" She demanded.

"Yes Mum," Ellie mocked.

"Santa's watching you!" Casey scolded.

"But its October," Ellie stated.

"Yes but Santa cam turns on in september!" Casey said in her 'mother tone'

"Yeah when the kid is 5!" Ellie shouted.

"Well yeah but now you and Tom are serious and you are old enough the Santa cam is ready for Mini Tom Daley's" Casey said, still in a serious tone.

After this me and Luna cracked up laughing but Ellie just blushed and pushed us out of her room so she  could get ready.

Whilst Ellie was getting ready I quickly text the 'mystery guest' to see what time he/she will be arriving.

I quickly put my Iphone back in my pocket as Ellie walked into the kitchen.

"Ready!" She said happily.

"Okay then firstly you can open your presents from us!" Luna smiled.

"Okay, thanks" Ellie said.

We handed Ellie her gifts one by one first it was Luna.

"Here you go babe," She said as she handed the pink, wrapped package to Ellie.

Ellie opened it to reveal a small bottle of  pink champagne.

"Your first alcholic drink... well legal one" Luna giggled as Ellie hugged her.

Just then there was a knock at the door, Ellie went to open it.

Ellie's pov.

I walked over to the door and opened it to reveal an empty doorstep, I was about to close the door when I saw a red rose lay on the doormat.

No note or anything just a rose, how strange I thought.

I went back to the girls, putting the rose on the kitchen table.

Casey handed me a pink box, I opened it up and saw there were a pair of sunglasses.

"Wow," I love them! I said truthfully.

"My present goes with Layla's but we all payed a bit for that one," Luna explained.

Layla handed me an envelope, I slowly undid the deal to reveal tickets.

Not just any tickets.

Tickets to VEGAS!

"OMG!" I squealed as I hugged all three girls tightly.

"This is the best birthday ever, but why are there 4 tickets?" I asked.

"Tom," Casey giggled.

"But there are only 3 bedrooms booked in the hotel" Layla said.

"Thats okay we can share 2 rooms and Tom can have his" I said, still overwhelmed by my tickets to vegas.

"Nope, you're sharing with Tom," Luna winked.

I shot her a warning glance and she looked at the ground, in an attempt to not laugh.

"Right okay lets go!" Layla exclaimed as she headded for the door.

"Where are we going?" I questioned.

"You'll see" Layla replied.

We stepped into Layla's car and sped off down the road.

After around an hour we arrived outside a salon, we all got  out and walked inside.

"Hey girls," A friendly hairdresser said.

"Hi!" I replied nicely.

"So Ellie, what would you like to do to your hair?" She asked.

"I'd like to go brunette but also I'd love it curly" I said; feeling brave.

The hairdresser began to apply the colour along with tin foil to my hair.

2 hours later all the colour was applied and I was sat under a dryer, I felt like a christmas turkey wrapped in tin foil.

Finally my hair was coloured and as katy, the hairdresser, washed out the colour I began to feel nervous about seeing the new me.

She turned off the water and I was spun around so I faced the mirror, my hair was really dark but it was still damp from being washed so it needed to be dried.

Whilst my hair was being dried I chatted to Luna who was having her hair freshly died in the seat next to me.

"So what else do you have planned for me?" I questioned.

"Now that would be telling," She said whilst tapping her nose.

"Thats the point!" I urged.

"Not telling you!" She said sticking her tounge out.

"Not fair," I pouted.

"OK you're done!" Katy said as I opened my eyes.

The sight infront on my startled me, I looked amazing, my hair looked natural and suited my face shape so much more than blonde did.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed.

"Not a problem, have a nice day" Katy said whilst walking to the waiting room to get her next client.

 I quickly ran after her, "I haven't paid yet," I said.

"I know, Tom paid in advance," She grinned.

"Oh," I said; shocked.

Tom paid? how strange.

"Oh and Ellie?" 


"This was left here for you!" Katy said hadning me another red rose.

I didn't get 15 votes and comments on the last chapter so if I get them on this chapter I will post the first chapter of my new Tom Daley fanfic. I will only post it if I have 130 fans too so remember to fan. Love you guys so much, seriously! stay beautiful xx

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