We need a break

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Ellie's pov.

The day after Tom won the medal he had loads of interviews to do and he took me along, I loved it and we even had a photoshoot booked together.

I couldn't help thinking that my 'claim to fame' was Tom and I didn't like that at all.

I decided that I needed to get a job that was out there so I was not just noticed as 'Tom Daley's girlfriend.

I also knew that the press would be on my case if I didn't, we already had 4 front page stories about when Tom asked me out.

I wsa totally shocked but at the same time overjoyed that he liked me.

Where is he now ? I hear you ask.

Well he is doing an interview and I'm sat backstage watching him.

"So Tom you are newly in a relationship" The interviewer said to Tom.

"Yes I am" Tom replied happily.

"Whtat is she like ?" He asked.

"Oh she is great, we are basically the same person and we get on really well" Tom said whilst looking at me.

I giggled nervously before blushing and looking down.

"Have you done any interviews with her before ?" He asked Tom.

"Yes we have done a few but only on the radio and they are not released yet" He responded truthfully.

"How about we bring her on after the break ?" He asked.

"Yeah I would love that" Tom responded without giving it a second thought.

I was shaking my head, I couldn't go on tv I was too scared, plus I was wearing a tracksuit from juicy couture and uggs not the best look.

My hair was up in a ponytail and I had minimal makeup on, no one could see me like this!

The break ended and I slowly walked on to the set and sat on Tom's lap on the chair as he snaked his arms around my hips.

"So you're Ellie right ?" The man asked me.

"Yeah thats me" I said trying to sound confident; I do this all the time, I was saying over and over in my head.

"How long have you known Tom ?" He asked.

"Around 6 months maybe a little more" I said thinking about when we first met.

"Aww so Ellie what was your first impression of Tom ?" He asked.

"I thought he was a little full of himself, which he is, (que audience to crack up laughing which they did)"  I said.

"Hey" Tom pouted and kissed my cheek.

I giggled and the interviewer went on.

"So you guys are adorable and we asked for some questions on twitter and they all say that you have to kiss" He said urging us on.

"Well we can't disappoint" I said before leaning in to Tom.

It was a sweet kiss and when we pulled away everyone aww'd which made me blush, I tried to hide this by leaning into Tom's chest.

The interview ended and I decided that I had to tell Tom about the job I was going for.

"Tom" I called.

"Yes baby" He answered.

"Come 'ere" I replied.

He walked up to me with a grin on his face.

"Yeah babe" He asked.

"I'm going to get a job" I said.

"Why?" Tom said, sounding hurt.

"Because I can't expect you to pay for me and also I can use you for fame I need to earn it" I said honestly.

"But my job as a boyfriend is to look after you, if I can't do that then I've failed." Tom said sadly.

"No you haven't all I want in a boyfriend is someone that loves me and that is really hard to find, now I have I know that I don't want anyone else" I said before looking down, shocked at my outburst of honestly.

"Well ok then, what job ?" Tom asked sounding interested.

"Well when I was in school I did a bit of modeling to pay for fee's so I...." Tom cut me off.

"No way" He said bluntly.

"Why?" I asked.

"I don't want you posing infront of a camera and everyone being able to see you in revealing outfits and stuff its bad for my image" Tom said.

I couldn't look at him after that, all he was worried about was his image, is that why he asked me out ? 

So he could look big or important and so more girls would fall for him ? 

I ran off and got into the waiting taxi.

"4 Privet Drive" I said to the driver who obeyed and started driving. (A/N yes Ellie lives with Harry potter ahaha joke I'm watching Harry potter so that was the first place that came into my head)

We arrived at my house and I told the driver to wait for me before I ran inside.

I packed my suitcase full of clothes, makeup a little food and money before closing it.

I found a little notepad and wrote out a note to Tom.

'need to get away for a bit see you in a few months.'

I then locked up the house and ran back to the awaiting taxi.

I got inside and gave instructions for him to take me to the airport.

The journey was silent apart from Tom ringing me but I just let it go to answerphone as he really upset me and he deserved to know how it feels.

I finally arrived at the airport and I went over to the check in desk to try and get a flight as soon as possible.

"Hey what is the closest  flight to France you have ?" I asked politely.

"We have one in 3 hours" The lady replied kindly.

"Perfect" I said as she took my details and typed them in to the computer.

I have 3 hours to waste before the flight takes off so I have 2 to do what I want I thought to myself.

Shopping! I thought to myself as I went into a store.

OOoh so their first argument. Do you think they will make up ? please vote and fan. Comment your suggestions for couple names for Tom and Ellie, will give credit to the winner in the next part. Also if you would like a twitter shoutout or a wattpad shoutout in one of my stories comment below 'shoutout' and then either your twitter @ name or your wattpad name. Thanks for reading.

Stay beautiful xx

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